Chapter 22

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Alisha pov

Me: thx for takin me out today these past 5 months were the best, how we have gottin closer i really like hangin out wit u, u help take things off my mind by havin fun and thats wat i like most about u

we got on the superman. i was screamin the whole time as we went down.

all she can do was laugh at me. i punched her arm.

???: ouch why did u do dat?

Me: u know why i did that dont act stupid

i rolled my eyes tryin to be serious. she wrapped her arms around my waist behind me puttin her head on my shoulder as we walked.

???: aw im srry babe

i cant stay mad at her i smiled. a couple that looks about in their early 20s walked pass us.

Women: u two look so cute together

Me: oh no were no-

i was cut off.

???: ive been meaning to ask u that

i looked at her confused.

Me: asked me wat?

???: i know u have been through alot in ur past and i wanna be the one to change that show u a new path, to show u im better then all them other girls u dated, Ali u know how i feel about u and i wanna show u more so will u be my girl?

i nodded yes lookin in her eyes. she smiled pickin me up spinning me around. she kissed my cheek and sat me bck on my feet.

she took my hand in hers as we began to walk again. we rode more rides until we were both hungry.

she payed for our funnel cakes when i protested. we sat down started to eat our food.

a guy came walkin towards us wit two other guys following close behind.

Random Guy: wassup ma

Me: sup

he smirked.

Random Guy: me and my two buds were wonderin if u like to have some fun

Me: srry not interested

Random Guy: and why is that?

Me: because i havnt had all my surgery finished yet

Random Guy: wat do u mean

Me: i still have a penis

his eyes got wide. he backed up.

Random Guy: i...i um (clears throat)

he walked off with his guy friend with his face flushed red. me and my date busted out laughing.

???: i hope u dont have a penis

Me: well u will have to wait to find out

i winked and stood.

Me: ready to go?

she nodded and we got up walkin hand in hand out of SixFlags to her car. she opened the door for me and i got in.

she slid in the car and drove off. she held my hand through the whole ride while i looked out the window.

15min later we pulled up infront of my house. i hopped out her truck and walked up to the door wit her behind. i faced her and she faced me.

Me: i had a great time today

???: me too

she smiled. she kissed my cheek.

???: goodnight Alisha

Me: goodnight Ness

i smiled and walked into my house ending my night.




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