Chapter 25

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Alisha pov

we pulled up to Jas house and i got nervous. we got out the car and walked up to the door.

Shad knocked. the door opened and a drunk Jas opened the door. she was skinnier then last time ive seen her.

i pushed her inside the house sittin her on da couch. Shad took the bottle from her.

Jasmine just sat there starrin at me. i tried to hold the tears back but i couldnt. i feel like this whole thing is my fault.

i put my head in my hands as the tears just fell. i felt arms wrap around me from behind me and a head rest on my back.

Jasmine: ur here

i sat back wrappin my arms around her as her head layed on my chest.

Me: im here

Jasmine: im srry

Me: its not ur fault, come on lets get u cleaned up go to ur room and ill meet u up there

she nodded standing up walkin towards the steps. she stopped and turned her head to look at me.

Jasmine: promise me u wont leave me

Me: i promise

that made more tears fall from my eyes. she walked upstairs. i turned to Shad and Jordan.

Shad held his arms out. i wrapped my arms around his waist cryin into his shirt.

Me: i feel like im the one that broked her

Shad: its not ur fault

i cried for alittle while. i backed up whipping my face.

Me: ill call u later

Shad: alright be safe

he kissed my forehead and i gave Jordan a hug as they walked out. i walked up stairs.

i walked in her room to see her sittin on her bed tears runnin down her face. i sat beside her wrappin my arms around her.

Me: why are u cryin Jas?

Jasmine: i heard the door close and i thought u left me

Me: i promised and im not breakin it, ill be rite back dont move.

i walked into her bathroom filling up the tub. memories flooded through my mind of wat happened in this bathroom. i blushed.

when the tub was filled i went and grabbed Jas arm. i heard her wince when we got into the bathroom.

Me: wats wrong?

she had her head down. i grabbed her arm again makin her wince again.

Me: take ur shirt off

she looked at me with fear and regret in her eyes she shook her head.

Me: Jasmine

she took off her shirt when i used her full name. i looked at her arms to see cuts on both of her arms.

Me: why?

Jasmine: i had to take away the pain some how! i lost the love of my life!

Me: im srry

i kissed her even though she has been drinkin. she kissed back wrappin her arms around my waist.

i pulled bck after a few minutes.

Me: now get in the tub.

she smiled strippin and gettin in. i sat on the toilet. she looked at me and pouted.

Jasmine: ur not goin to join?

Me: nope

she stood up closin the curtain and turnin on the shower. i laughed walkin out the bathroom closin the door.

Jasmine: i love you!

Me: i love you too!


two updates in one day

wont be updatin for a while

but vote and comment luv u guys ♥


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