Chapter 11

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Alisha pov

Jasmine: so when do ur parents come back?

Me: next week

she nodded while she closed my front door. she dropped her duffle bag by the door.

i went in the kichen gettin two juices. i walked in the living room siting on the couch beside Jas.

Me: wat movie did u put in this time?

Jasmine: not another teen age movie

i layed my head on her shoulder as the movie played. she wrapped her arms around me pullin me closer.

when the naked girls parts came up i covered Jas eyes.

Jasmine: why u keep doin that?

Me: cause u cant see them parts

Jasmine: y?

Me: cause......i said so

Jasmine: awww u dont want me to see anybody else naked but u

her voice was husky i closed my legs as a shiver went down my spine. she started nibbling on my ear makin me moan softly.

Me: Jazzie!

i moaned as she kissed me on my neck. i started breathing heavy as she kissed and sucked on my spot.

i felt her hand in my sweats rubbin my clit through my panties makin my body jerk alittle. she moved her lips to mine movin her fingers faster.

i gasped in her mouth makin her tounge slid in my mouth. i was close as she kepted movin her fingers on my clit.

she moved back from the kiss and moved her hand focusin back on the tv. WTF!

Me: Jas wat the hell was that?!?

Jasmine: watchu talkin about?

Me: ur sleepin on the couch

she gave me a shock face but i just got up walkin away. i went upstairs into my room changin my clothes.

i layed in bed sexually frustrated. the door creaked open but i didnt pay attention.

i felt the bed dip but i didnt move. i felt her wrap her arm around my waist. she kissed my neck.

Jasmine: im srry baby

Me: mmhmm

Jasmine: i am u said u didnt want our relationship to go to fast, we just got back together so i had to stop myself before we went too far.

i turned to look at her to see she had her hair in a bun wit basketball shorts and her sports bra. i kissed her lips.

Me: im glad u listened cause i would have takin it further

i pecked her lips again and turned not facin her layin back down. she pulled me closer so my back was touchin her chest and our legs tangled together.

Jasmine: goodnight babygirl i love you

Me: i love you too papi


i woke up to arms wrapped around me and my face on Jas chest. i looked up at her sleepin form she was too cute.

i pecked her lips and untangled myself from her. i got up hoppin in the shower.

when i got out i put on:

*white shirt

*blue and black button down plaid shirt

*black skinny jeans

*blue and white jordans

i left my hair out curly and put on alittle eye liner. i woke up Jas tellin her to get in da shower.

when she got out she had on:

*black shirt

*blue and white button down plaid shirt

*white skinny jeans

*same but blue and black jordans

(see wat i did their)

she had her hair out curly. we walked down stairs and ate cereal until it was time to go.

i pulled up to the skool and Jas pulled up beside my car. we got out and Jas grabbed my hand as we walked in.

she walked me to class. she pecked my lips.

Jasmine: i wanna take you out tonite

Me: its a skool night

Jasmine: so u dont want to go?

Me: yes i wanna go

i wrapped my arms around her neck.

Jasmine: so i will pick u up at 7 and wear somethin casual

i nodded but she wasnt lookin at me. she was glarin at somebody. i turned followin her gaze to see her lookin at Nass but Nass was glarin at Jas too.

i turned to Jas grabbin her chin makin her look at me. her eyes soften.

Me: why dont u too like eachother?

Jasmine: she keeps starrin at u and i dont like it, i feel like shes goin to take u away from me

Me: im not goin any where unless sumthin real bad happens between us, but we are goin to make sure nothin like that happens ok?

she nodded. i kissed her lips and patted her chest.

Me: now get to class before u be late papi

she smiled

Jasmine: i love you mami

Me: i love you too

i entered the class takin my seat. Ness was talkin 50% i was listenin and 50% i was daydreamin about Jas.

what should happen next chap? i need ideas and dont forget they will be on their date next chap also

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