Chapter 3

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Alisha pov

i woke up to a killer headache. i looked around to see myself in my bed. how the hell did i get up here?

i groaned as i got out the bed in my shorts and tank top walkin into my bathroom. i popped a advil in my mouth drinkin some water.

i walked down stairs to still see the house a mess. i was pockin people to wake up and leave.

some stayed to help clean up. i found Shad on my couch knocked out. i raised my hand up swingin it towards his face.

he grabbed it opening one eye lookin at me. i just smiled.

Shad: yea u better act all innocent witchu ugly ass move

he got up pushin me to the side. we started helpin the other clean up. when i finished valcumin the house was spotless.

i thank the guys and they left. Shad flopped on the couch and i jumped on top of him puttin my head on his chest.

memories started to flude through my head about Ash and i broke down. Shad noticed.

he wrapped his arms around me runnin his hands through my hair. when i calmed down he got up to cook.

i just layed on the couch lookin up at the ceiling. i heard a knock on the door.

i yelled an 'ill get it.' i walked up to the door openin the door without looked through the peep hole.

bad idea

Ash was standin there smiling. she reached out for me but i backed up. she looked at me confused.

Ash: Ali wats wrong?

Me: leave me alone

she looked hurt. but smiled.

Ash: come on babe stop playin

Me: im not playin wit u why dont u go see if Tasha, Kiesha, Monic, Amber, or Lisa wants to play

she stiffened as her smile vanished.

Ash: they dont mean nothin to me

Me: they probably do maybe more than me sense u wanted to cheat

she tried to grab me but i backed up. she touched my arm but i smacked it away.

Ash: i love you babygirl and u know this

Me: SHAD!!!

he came runnin in wit a spatchular in his hand. he looked at me then Ash pointin the spatchular at her.

Shad: back the hell up or ill burn u

Ash: Alisha im sorry i will never cheat or hurt u again

i smiled walkin up to her gesturin her to the door following her out. she had a smiled at me. when she stepped out i held the door.

Me: ur right cause u wont have a second chance wit me

i slammed the door in her face as i saw her mouth fall open. i turned around to face Shad lookin at him side ways.

Me: really a fuckin spatchular

i shook my head walkin up stairs hoppin in the shower. 20min later i got out puttin on my boy short, sports bra and sweats.

i put my hair in a bun walkin down stairs to see Shad sittin the plates down on the table.

i sat at the table and started crushin the food.

Shad: so wat- slow the fuck down girl

i laughed and started eatin slow.

Shad: not that slow hoe, but wat we doin today?

Me: i wanna go to the fair they openin tonite

after talkin about today Shad left to go home and take a shower tellin me to be ready by 5.

it was only 3 so i grabbed my labtop scrollin through my twitter when i seen a tweet Ash posted.

Ash_to_good_for_u: i fucked up bad

ya sure did. i took pics postin them on Instagram and Twitter. i got hella likes.

i changed all my bio's erasin our relationship date and changin my facebook also.

i looked at the clock to see its 4. i got up goin into my closet. i pulled out.

*red sweater wit dope on it

*black skinny jeans

*all red converses wit ankle socks

i put on some jewelry and sprayed on some perfume. i took my hair out the bun lettin it flow down curly.

i but on my red snapback backwards with the words dope. i checked the time to see its 4:36.

i went down stairs to see my dads just walkin in. i ran over to them givin them a hug.

DadJ: hey sweet heart how was the party

Me: perfect

DadM: i see the house is in one piece and where u goin?

Me: to the fair wit Shad he should be on his way

we sat at the kitchen aisle.

DadJ: is Ash goin?

i looked away.

Me: no we broke up today

DadM came over wrappin his arms around me.

DadM: wat happened? i really liked her

Me: she cheated on me wit alot of different girls she told me lastnite cause she was drunk

he kissed my forehead rubbin my back.

DadM: are u ok?

Me: yep

i heard a horn and i got up kissin both of their cheeks and walkin out. i got in the car wit Shad and he drove off.

to the fair we go.


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