Chapter 23

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Alisha pov

7 months has past sense the Jasmine cheating and everything. i moved on to Ness.

shes been by my side through everything. we have gotten alot closer and shes good to me.

i keep my gaurd up cause i dont wanna go down that road again. we have been datin for 2 months now.

Jasmine has been starin at us but never said a word sense that day. i noticed she has lost weight but i dont say anything.

but these past months has been goin good. until now. right now Ness is out because we got into a huge fight.

5 hours earlier

Me: babe?

Ness: yea

Me: so wat u wanna do today cause im bored asf

i hopped ontop of the kitchin counter. i was spendin the weekin over her house. she practiclly begged cause her parents left for the week.

Ness: idk wat do u wanna do?

she bit her lip movin closer to me. i held my hand in front of her face.

Me: nope im not ready

Ness: i know that

she kissed my lips stickin her tongue in. all we do is makeout and touch nothin further.

i moaned in her mouth. she moved down to my neck suckin on my spot. i held the back of her neck.

Me: fuck Jas

my eyes widened at wat i said. she suddenly stopped. she looked up at me hurt mixed with mad.

she stepped back away from me. i jumped off the counter movin closer to her.

Me: Ness i didnt mean it

Ness: u still think about her dont u?

Me: J-Ness please i didnt mean it

Ness: u did it again, u know wat fuck this, i fuckin love you and this how u end up treatin me

Me: no-

she cut me off

Ness: no save it im out be gone before i get back

she walked out tears runnin down her face slammin the door.

5 hours later

im still at her house it was 3am now. ive been cryin the first two hours but all the tears suddenly stopped spillin out.

i tryed callin her but she never answered.

i heard key at the door. i stood up as Ness stumbled in. she looked at me and her face turned red full of anger.

i stepped back as she walked over to me. i hit the wall as her hand raised slappin me across the face makin me hit the floor.

Ness: i fuckin loved u!!!

she kicked me in my stomach as i cried out in pain.

Me: Ness please stop im srry

Ness: ur always srry just shut the fuck up! u should be wit Jas she never cheated on u like i have!

Me: w-wat?

she started laughin as tears rolled down both of our faces.

Ness: she never cheated that was the whole plan to have u all to me

she pinned me onto the floor her whole mood changin. she reeked of alcahol.

she started kissin down my neck. i tryed to get her off me but she was too strong.

she straddled my waist tryin to rip my shirt but i punched her in her face makin her fall back.

i got up runnin out the house. i hoped in my car speedin off. tears were blearin my vision but i made it home.

i went into my room and dialled a number.

Shad pov

Me: hello?

i said out of breath. i held my finger up to Jordan. i heard sniffing. i looked at the caller I.D. to see its Ali.

Me: Ali wats wrong?

Alisha: N-Ness

i got up puttin on my shoes and i motioned for Jordan to do the same. we got in my car drivin off.

Me: wat did Ness do?

Alisha: she beat me

she started sobbin. i wrapped my fingers around the steerin wheel till they turnt white.

i felt fingers rub my knuckles i looked at Jordan givin him a small smile.

when my head turned bck to the road my whole mood changed.

Me: Alisha where are u?

Alisha: home

she whispered before hanging up. i slammed my foot on the gas doin 80 to her house.

i parked my car jumpin out. me and Jordan ran into the dark house.

Alisha pov

Shad and some boy busted into my room. Shad ran over to my side pullin me into his embrace.

Shad: are u ok?

i nodded sobbin into his shirt until i fell asleep.


was Ness telling the truth about the whole Jasmine not cheating thing?

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