Chapter 4

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Alisha pov

we pulled up to the fair and got out. i payed for my ticket and waited until Shad was done flirtin with the dude behind the glass.

they exchanged numbers and Shad walked over to me. we walked around gettin on rides until i wanted to play at the booths.

i gave Shad my ice cream to hold as i payed the girl behind the booth. she handed me 5 basketballs.


i was running out of money tryim to get this big teady bear. Shad went to go sit down sense he was tired watchin me.

i shot the last ball and missed i huffed.

???: need help?

i turned around and my eyes grew wide but i quickly covered it. i was starrin at the same chocolate brown eyes.

i looked this fine ass stud over. she was about 6'1, brown dreads goin down to her shoulders wit blonde tips, she was light skin.

she gave me the most cutiest smile makin me snap out my day dream.

Me: uhh huh?

???: i was askin u did u need help u look like ur havin a hard time

i nodded afraid i would say somethin stupid. she put money on the table but i protested tellin her no but she insisted.

i grabbed a ball. i felt her body warmth on my back. Phoenix axe hit my nose i breathed it in.

she placed her hands on my arm and hand as she adjusted my hand. when she told me the shoot i did and i made it.

we made all five shots winnin the teady bear i wanted. i hugged her so tight.

i realised wat i was doin and back up fast.

Me: im sorry

i looked up but she was gone. i looked around but didnt see her anywhere. i frowned and grabbed my teddy.

i looked for Shad and found him sittin down eatin MY ice cream. i walked up to him.

Me: aye slut i didnt say eat it i said hold it

Shad: well u was takin to long and it was meltin wat u espect.

Me: oh ard but u ready to go?

he nodded standing up. we bought some more things then left walkin to the car.

we put the things in the car and got in. Shad drove off while i messed wit the radio.

my song by august alsina came on Grind Pray/Get Ya Money. i started singin.

[Grind Pray]

As I lay me down too sleep
I pray to lord my soul too keep

If I should die before I wake
I pray to lord my soul too take

My cup full I'm laid back, I'm bout mine you know that

I'm rag racing, zoom zoom, in a rush too get all that

Cross my heart, I die hard, throw your hood in all black

If you real your recognize

All I do is grind, riding through the streets all day

All I do is grind, riding through these streets all day

[Get Ya Money]

They don't ever see you like I do

First thing when you wake up, before you put on your make up

And they don't really know you like I do

Cause me and you ain't the same, you ain't gotta run no game

Girl cause what you do and what I do ain't different

We both on a mission, I love your ambition

And I know how it is too hit the block and get the gwop

And you know what it is to hit the stage and make it pop

Like damm I hope somebody spent some money today

And I pray nobody try to come and take it away

Cause I'm just out here doing what I gotta do

Cause all these fucking bills are due

And I see all this money too make, so girl you know....

when we got to my house i hugged Shad and grabbed my things out the back seat.

it was around 10 so ik my dads were sleep. i went up to my room sittin my stuff down.

i stripped walkin into the bathroom. i took a 20min shower then stepped out. i put on my sweat pants and tank top.

i went downstairs to bump into Dad M.

DM: hey sweetheart how was the fair?

Me: it was good we had fun

DM: thats good....ur food is in the microwave goodnight

i nodded and he kissed my forehead goin back upatairs. i walked over to the microwave and pulled out fried chicken, mac and cheese, and greens.

i sat down eatin my food. when i was done i walked up to my room. i layed on me bed thinkin about that mystery girl.

i wish i got her name or got to know her. that one question was stuck in my head.

will i see her again?.......


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