Chapter 15

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Jasmine pov (wasnt expecting that)

Kelsi came back up stairs.

Me: who was that?

Kelsi: idk some girl but she said she had the wrong house.

i nodded as she turned on the tv. Alisha face came into my mind. after that day at the restaurant i cried myself to sleep.

i was thinkin about her so much i didnt know Kelsi was callin me.

Me: yea?

Kelsi: thats the girl that was at the door

i looked at the tv listenin to wat the people where sayin until my heart dropped.

i hopped up. puttin on my shoes.

Kelsi: Jas? wat are u doin?

Me: thats Ali

Kelsi: the one u told me about?


i didnt care about anything but gettin to where their takin my baby. i hopped in my car and Kelsi got in the passanger.

i drove off speedin not caring. luckly the cops didnt stop me. i jumped out the car and saw them carryin Ali out the ambulance.

i ran over to her but got held back. i was askin questions but nun was gettin answered because they rushed her in.

i sat in the chair with my head in my hands. i felt Kelsi rub my back as i cried.

1 hour has passed sense we got here and sense i signed papers. Ali dads are here along wit Ash and her muva and Ness

Mark was sobbin while Josh held him cryin silently. when Mark came in he was yellin askin for demands about Ali but they didnt have any news yet.

???: Alisha Jenkins

i jumped up walkin towards the doctor with Mark, Ash, and Ness behind me.

Mark: is she ok?

Doc: im srry but no she didnt her heart beat was lost when her disease spreader all over her body

Me: disease? she was in a car accident

the Doctor flipped through his clip board then his eyes widened.

Doc: oh I'm so srry wrong info Alisha Jenkins is just fine but has a broke rib and leg

hearin that made my tears fall harder half joy half sad.

Ash: can we see her?

Doc: yes shes awake but only 6 at a time

Me: u guys can go I will go last

everybody went in except for me and Kelsi. I sat back in my seat and waited.

it took 45min for them to come out. I got up walkin to her room behind the doctor.

he opened the door and me and Kelsi walked in. Ali head turned towards us. she looked at me smilin until it dropped when she seen who was beside me.

her torso was wrapped up and so was her leg. I smiled and sat down takin her hand but she snatched it away from me.

I frowned as she looked at me wit teary eyes.

Me: wats wrong Ali?

she looked at Kelsi well glared. Kelsi looked uncomfortable.

Alisha: just leave Jas and take your girlfriend wit u

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