Chapter 30

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Alisha pov

so today is the day i get out of the hospital. Shad came to get me sense Jasmine didnt come and visit these past 2 days.

Shad pulled up into my driveway. we got out walkin in da house which was dark.

i cut on the lights only for my father and family to jump up.

"SUPRISE!!!" they all yelled.

there was a big bandnister hangin up sayin 'Welcome Home'. i smiled givin all my family members a hug. i gave me parents a hug.

Me: i thought u two werent gonna be home until next week

Dad: so wat u not happy to see us?

Me: of course

i laughed huggin them again. i walked up stairs with Shad behind me carryin my things.

i opened my door only to see Jas sittin on my bed. all my happiness turn into anger.

i walked up to her and smacked her right across the face.

Me: why havnt u came to see me in the hospital?

Jasmine: i was busy

Me: so busy that u couldnt come check up on ur girlfriend?

she smiled alittle pullin me into a kiss. i wanted to pull away but i couldnt resist.

she rested or heads together.

Jasmine: i had to call ur dads and half of ur family

i was speechless.

Me: u planned this?

Jasmine: yes r u still my girlfriend?

Me: yes

she picked me up spendin me around. she looked me in the eyes.

Jasmine: im srry for walkin out on u

Me: i understand u were just mad

Jasmine: i love you so fuckin i just dont wanna loose u again

i felt her thumbs rub across beneath my eyes and i did the same. i pecked her lips.

Me: i love you too


Unknown pov

i pulled the covers from over my head breathin heavy.

???: u r amazing i love you Jas

Me: i love you too Lilly


so as u can see im not uploadin my new story until im finish wit this one


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