Chapter 16

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Alisha pov

i woke up to somebody kissin my lips. i kissed back thinkin it was Jas. i moaned as she slipped her tounge in my mouth.

we were fightin for dominance. i felt electricity jolt up my spine as our tounges touched.

i let my hands get tangled in her dreads.


Jasmine doesnt have dreads.

i opened my eyes to see....












i pushed her back whippin my mouth. she looked at me wide eyes.

Me: WTF!!!

Ness: i love you Alisha dont u see it?

ugh not again! Ash is already out the picture now Ness wanna pop in and ruin me and Jas......again.

Me: im wit Jas

Ness: after she cheated? she was with the same girl yesturday!

Me: she didnt cheat, that girl is her bestfriend and those pics were tookin before we ever met!

she looked shock. then her eyes soften as she hung her head low.

Ness: im srry i thought they were recent, i love you and i just wanted to make sure u were safe im srry

now i felt srry for her.

Me: just dont do it again

she nodded wit a little smile. i patted the spot beside me on the bed. she came and sat down.

the door opened and in came Jas wit flowers and chocolate. she stopped where she was when her eyes landed on Ness.

they both glared at eachother and it was gettin annoying. i cleared my throat makin them both glance at me.

Jas stepped in and gave me a peck on my lips. i smiled as she gave me the chocolate while sittin the flowers down.

Ness: ill leave u too alone

she got up and gave me a hug. i winced in pain when she hit my broken rib. Jas jumped up and Ness jumped back.

Ness: oh im so srry Ali

Jas jaw tightened and so did her fist. Ness eyes filled with horror not because of Jas but because she hurted me.

Me: its ok

Ness left out.

Me: Jas sit down

she looked at me her eyes softened. she sat down.

Jasmine: im srry

Me: shut up

she faked gasped holdin her hand over her heart dramaticlly. we started burstin out laughin.

Me: did the doctors say anything?

i asked when we both calmed down.

Jasmine: yea they need to run a few more tests and if ur good enough u can go home next week, u need to learn how to walk before u go bck to skool

i nodded.

Me: i have to tell u something

i grabbed her hand as she smiled at me. she seen regret in my eyes makin her smile fade.

Jasmine: wat is it?

Me: before u came in Ness woke me up wit a kiss-

Jas stood up about to walk out but i pulled her down makin her land ontop of me but she caught herself tryin not to hurt me.

Me: she woke me up wit a kiss but i thought it was u until i touched her hair

she didnt say anything just stared at me. she crashed her lips into mine. electricity went through my whole body. the kiss was gettin heated.

she kissed down my neck. i moaned as she sucked on my spot. she came back givin me a slow kiss. she pulled back.

Jasmine: u know wat these lips feel like now?

she was smilin. i rolled my eyes pushin her head away from me. i gasped when i felt her cold hands in my pants.

Me: Jas were in a- Oh!

her fingers rubbed me from outside of my panties. her lips were hoverin over mine in a kiss.

i moaned in her mouth as she rubbed me faster. i was close.

Me: im sooo close

i moaned out. she was slidding her hand in my panties but there was a knock at the door.


Jas jumped up. she gave me a small smile before openin the door. Mark came in pushin Jas.

Me: damn dad dont break my girlfriend

Mark gave Jas and me an apologetic smile.

DadM: srry

he came and sat beside me grabbin my hand. Josh put his hands on my father shoulders givin me a smile.

DadJ: hey sweatheart

Me: hey J

DadM: how are u sweetheart?

Me: good

we sat around and talked for a while. me and Jas told them wat the doctor said.

they both sighed in relief. i grabbed my chocolate and started eating some.

i smacked Jas hand when she tried to take a piece of chocolate out my box.

Jasmine: ouch

she rubbed her hand.

Me: dont touch my chocolate

Jasmine: but i bought it

Me: yea for me

she pouted. i smiled holdin out a chocolate filled wit peanut butter. she reached for it.

when she was close to gettin it i threw it in my mouth eatin it. she playfully glared at me but i just smiled.

i looked at my dads to see them starin at us smilin. i gave them a wierd face and they seemed to notice and their smile widened.

DadM: ok Ali were about to go have fun.....but not to much fun

they walked towards the door.

Me: (whisper) u ruiened the first time

DadM: wats was that?

Me: nothing

they left out. i looked at Jas to see her eatin my candy.

Me: really?

she pouted and handed the box back. i put the box down and pulled her towards me by her sweater.

i connected our lips into a passionate kiss. i pulled bck.

Me: u taste like peanut butter

she smiled.

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