Chapter 5

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Alisha pov

i got up gettin in the shower. i dreamed about that girl from the fair all last night. a shiver went down my spine as a smile slipped on to my face. 

when i got out i dried my curly hair and put on.

*white plan shirt

*last king red button up plaid shirt

*camo cargo pants

*red and white jordans

i put on my silver necklace. i checked my phone to see a text from Ash. i didnt open it i just deleted it.

she been textin me sense we broke up but i never replied. i grabbed my things skippin down the stairs. when i finished my breakfeast i headed to skool.

i walked towards Shad once i saw him. but i was pulled into a closet. it was dark.

Me: wat the-

i was cut off by somebody lips crashing into mine. i tried to push back but they held my face with both of their hands.

i kicked my leg and i guess it connected to their ankle cause they collapsed and groaned. i felt on the walls for the lights and turned them on to see a girl.

she was a stud. she was caramel skin wit long curly dark brown hair.

Me: im so srry

she turned around and damn she was fine. she had dark brown eyes but nothin compared to that mystery girl.

Me: are u ok?

???: yea im good

Me: then why the hell did u bring me in here

i was gettin frustrated. she walked up to me puttin her hand on my face lookin me in my eyes.

???: listen Alisha i liked u sense the first time i saw u freshman year, i was broken when i seen u wit that Ash girl, i knew she was bad news but i never had the guts to tell u, like i never had the guts to tell u my feelings

she leaned in and kissed me again and this time i kissed back. she held onto my waist pullin me closer. i pulled away.

Me: wats ur name?

???: Jasmine

i smiled and grabbed her hand and walked out the closet but first makin sure the halls were cleared.

i can tell she was nervous cause her hand was shakin. i pulled her outside towards my car tellin her to get in.

i pulled out drivin to the nearest diner. we got in and ordered food. i looked up at Jasmine she was lookin down messin wit her fingrs. she was too cute.

Me: are u ok?

Jasmine: yea just a-alittle nervous

Me: dont tell me about urself Jas

she smiled when i called her that. when we got our food we started to get to know eachother.

we were laughin and jokin around. i can tell she wasnt that nervous anymore. as i got to know her more the more i started to liked her.

her favorite color is green. shes the only child. she likes too play basketball and more.

we talked for so long that i didnt even know skool was almost over. i was payin for the food when Jas stopped me.

Jasmine: i got it

Me: no no i got it i brought u here so im goin to pay

Jasmine: how?

i felt my pockets for my card. i looked at Jas as she held up my credit card wit a smile on my face.

Me: fine

i crossed my arms lookin away as she payed. we walked out the diner heading back to skool.

when we got there skool was letting out. i started walkin towards the skool when Jas grabbed my hand pullin me back.

she had her hand still in mine while other on my waist. she looked nervous again.

Jasmine: can i uhh have ur number?

Me: yea lets me see ur phone

we switched phones puttin eachother numbers in and switched phones back. she kissed my cheek and walked away when i told her i will call her.

i smiled walkin into the skool to my locker. i seen an angry lookin Ash standing by it. i ignored her grabbin my books out.

Ash: who was that?


i closed my locker walkin away but she grabbed my arm. ugh leave me alone.

Me: wat?

i asked irritated.

Ash: who was that?

Me: a friend

and i walked off. i hopped in my car and drove off. when i got in da house my phone started ringin. i answered it without lookin at the caller I.D.

Me: hello

Shad: hey boo who was that stud u was wit after skool?

Me: a friend

Shad: mmhmm how u goin lie to me?

Me: im not she is a friend name Jas but she likes me and startin to like her

Shad: awww but yall do look cute together better then that ugly hoe ass Ash

Me: lls im over her but ill see u tomorrow

Shad: wat u bout to do? go talk to ur boo boo Jazzie?

Me: maybe

Shad: ard bye girl

Me: bye slut

i hung up smilin. i skipped upstairs. i jumped on my bed and grabbed my phone. the phone rung twice until she answered.

Jasmine: hello

Me: hey cutie

Jasmine: hey beautiful

i felt my cheeks heat up.

Me: dont call me dat

i can tell she was smilin

Jasmine: why not?

Me: cause its not true

Jasmine: and who said that? cause it damn sure aint true ma u beautiful as hell and dont let nobody tell u wrong

Me: thankyou Jas

Jasmine: anything for u ma

its got quiet not an awkward one. Jas broke the silence.

Jasmine: Alisha?

Me: yes?

Jasmine: can i ask u a question?

Me: anything

Jasmine: w-would u go on a date wit me f-friday

Me: i'd love too

Jasmine: really?

Me: yes really

and we continued to talk on the phone. until we both fell asleep.

wat do u think of Alisha and Jasmine?


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