Chapter 32

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Alisha pov

Jasmine has been becomin distant later. always leave when she get a message.

tellin me she goin be back. And guess wat



























Tonite is our prom night and shes not even here. Shes 30min late. I told my dads that i was meetin her there when she was already 5min late.

Im standin on the side of the street in my prom dress waitin for Shad and Jordan.

When they pulled up and i got in the back.

Shad: wheres Jasmine?

Me: fuck her just go she aint bout to mess up my night

He nodded and drove off. If she shows up at this Prom tonite she goin get her ass beat keep fuckin wit me.

We pulled up to the skool. When we entered the gym it was packed. Students grindin on eachother and the teachers doin da same ew.....

I went to the table. I got me a cup and drunk it. I made a face shakin my head. Vodka. I made another cup sittin by Shad and them.

Ash walked in and she looked good. As a friend doe. she looked at me and smiled i smiled back.

She came over and i stood up huggin her.

Ash: Damn u look gud

she spinnin me around.

Me: ik right

We shared a laugh.

Me: sike naw but u look good too

She popped her collar.

Ash: thank you thank you, where Jasmine at?

Me: i dont know and i dont care

A slow song came on.

Me: u wanna dance?

Ash: sure

I had to do somethin to get Jas out my head. Ash leaded me to the dance floor.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and she wrapped hers around my waist.

We swayed back and forth. Dancin to atleast 3 slow songs i felt Ash arms fall from around me. I had my head on her shoulder.

Jasmine: wat the fuck u doin?

Ash: whoa chill we just friends

Jas grabbed my wrist pullin me out the gym. I pulled back smackin her across her face.

Jasmine: wat was that for?

Me: ur 2 fuckin hours late wat the fuck u mean 'wat was that for?' I stayed outside for 30min waitin for ur ass, u know wat these past weeks u been distance like hell, were over!!!

???: good now i can have her

I turned around to see that bitch from the hospital. Jasmine pushed me behind her.

To find out the lil bitch had a gun in her hand.

Jasmine: wat the hell r u doin here?

Lilly: to kill ur ex dont u remember the plan

Jasmine: u said have sex wit u and u said if i stop u will kill her

Lilly: well change of plans now move Jazzy

But Jasmine didnt move. I was speechless i didnt know wat to say.

Lilly: Vanessa

Vanessa came out of no where punchin Jas in the face. I thought this bitch was in Jail. I was gonna help Jas but the bitch stopped me.

Lilly: dont move

She aimed the gun at me and pulled the trigga twice.

Jasmine: Nooooo!!!!!

I fell to the ground holdin my stomach. I looked to my side to see Jasmine layin beside me holdin her chest.

Tears ran down my face as i grabbed one of her hands lacin our fingers.

Jasmine: i love you

Me: i love you too

Jas closed her eyes and i did the same seconds later.


Ok so this was a sad scene for me (dont judge) there will be one more chapter but look out cause i got another book i will be publishin after im done wit this one

Comment of wat u guys think and if u got alittle sad or not and of course VOTE!!!


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