Chapter 18

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Alisha pov

Jasmine: slow down babe take ur time

Me: shut up i wanna get out of this- ouch!

i held my side where i broke my ribs. Jas panicked.

Jasmine: oh my gosh babe are u ok?

i nodded as we countinued to walk to Jas car slowly sense my car is fucked up.

i told my dads that i would be over Jas house sense they had to go out of town for work.

i slid in the passanger seat and she closed my door. she got in the drivers seat and grabbed my hand drivin off.

Me: did my dad bring u my clothes?

Jasmine: yea i got them

she kissed my hand. we pulled up to her house. i didnt see any cars. i looked at Jas.

Me: where are ur parents?

Jasmine: they went out of town to a family house

Me: why didnt u go?

Jasmine: cause i wanna be here with u

Me: awww ur so cute

i pecked her lips

Jasmine: no ur cute

she pecked my lips

Me: no im sexy

i pecked her lips, she bit her lip.

Jasmine: yes u are

she pulled me closer slippin her tounge in my mouth. i moaned as our tounges danced.

she pulled back gettin out the car leavin my frustrated. she opened my door pickin me up.

she walked into her house lockin da door. she kicked off her shoes walkin up some stairs.

she opened a door to reveal a room. she layed my on the bed slippin my adidas slids off and hoverin over me.

she crashed her lips onto mine. i pulled her closer moanin loudly in her mouth. she kissed down my neck.

i moaned when she started suckin on my spot. i arched my back and i winced in pain. Jas seen it because she backed up.

Jasmine: we cant do this while ur in this kind of condition idk wat was goin through my head

Me: but i want u

she smiled and pecked my lips.

Jasmine: not right now ok? lets just wait until u heal up

i nodded with a pout. she stood up off the bed.

Jasmine: do u want something to eat?

Me: yea lets order pizza

Jasmine ordered a pizza and got in bed beside me. she pulled me closer wrappin her arms around me.

i layed my head on her chest wrappin my arm around her waist watchin tv. that was until i fell asleep.

Me: it didnt mean anything!

Jasmine: it doesnt matter it shouldnt have happened

she said tryin to stay calm. Jas caught me and Ness half naked at my house in my bed.

Jas went up to Ness who was tryin to rush out my house. Jas swung and hit Ness in the nose.

i screamed and got in the middle of them. i pushed Jas back.

Jasmine: Ali dont touch me!

she moved me to the side swingin at Ness again. they started throwin punches back in forth.

i tried to pull them back but they always find a way back to eachother.

???: babe wake up

i felt somebody shake me. i opened my eyes to see Jas. she kissed my forehead makin me smile.

Jasmine: the pizza is here

she got the pizza and sat it in between us. all i can think about was that dream.

Me and Ness?

nah will never happen.


i need ideas for the next chapter anybody have any?

just comment


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