[4] Karaoke Room Pt.1

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As I turn im squished into a tight hug from.."JUGKOOK!! I can't breathe!" He lets go chuckling "Sorry noona." Jungkook gets shoved out of the way by Taehyung and I get engulfed with another hug. "YAH! DON'T FORGET ABOUT US!!!" Jin and Hoseok join the hug. "HYUNGS SHE CAN'T BREATHE!!" All of them let go instantly. Hoseok smiles and tugs at my arm. "Let's go!" Huh? Go? Go where? "Where to?" Taehyung grabs my other arm. "TO KARAOKE ROOM!!" Jin slaps Tae in the back of the head. "First food then karaoke room." "Wait shouldn't we ask her first if she wants to join us?" I nob at Jungkook and grin. "I'll like to join." If it keeps me away from home for a while. Hoseok does a little dance along with Tae. "Great! The rest will meet us there."
After shoving our faces with food we head to the karaoke room. Wow! I've never been to a karaoke room. It looks cool and fun.
Jungkook sits on the couch pulling me next to him. "Noona can we sing together?" I grin about to nob my head but Taehyung yells out. "NOONA!! I want to eat chocolate!" I stare at him blankly. "Then go get chocolate." Jin hits Taehyung's arm. "Y/n isn't your slave wait till Jimin gets here." Jimin? Tae pouts. "Jimin-ssi gets out from practice in.." He looks at the clock. "OOOOH 5 MINUTES AGO!!" He opens the door and a short blond handsome and cute guy holds out a bag of chocolates. "I had a feeling you'll crave for chocolate." JIMIN-SSI!!!" Jungkook runs to Jimin engulfing him in a hug. Tawhyung jumps on them tackling them to the ground. "HEY! CAREFUL YOU'LL HURT YOURSELF!!!" The tall guy from the subway glares at all three of them worried. Jungkook stands up and hugs tall guy. "Namjoon-hyung!"
They all enter the room and sit down. Jimin looks at me and smiles. "Sorry for our dorkiness. Im Park Jimin and that's Kim Namjoon. And you are? " I shake his hand. "Lee Y/n" Hoseok sits to my right and ruffles my hair. "She's the new kid from school." Namjoon looks at me and looks shook. "Weren't you in the subway in the morning?" I slightly chuckle. "Yeah...it was nice of you to stop the man from hitting..blueberry..your friend." Namjoon rolls his eyes and sighs. Jin looks at us both confused. "What happen in the subway this morning?" Namjoon sits next to Jin resting his head on his shoulder looking exhausted. "Someone was accusing Yoongi-hyung from stealing and well cause of his attitude h-" "Was about to get punched in the face but I would've called Namjoon for help either way if the man didn't back off anytime soon...so what's ugly face doing here." Whose he calling ugly face!? I turn towards the door to see blueberry. Jungkook claps his hands. "First that's Y/n and she's beautiful...breathtaking. Second your finally here so let's get started. NOONA!"
Jungkook pulls me up dragging me to the front of the room. "Let's sing!" I freeze and shake my head furiously. This wasn't a good idea. I only sing in my room when Im hiding from..fath.. I push back the memory and nob at Jungkook. "MAKE UP YOUR MIND UGLY FACE!!!" I glare at Yoongi. Hoseok and Jin slap his head at the same time. "OOOW!! WHAT THE F-!" Jin covers his mouth. "LANGUAGE YOUNG MAN!!" Yoongi slaps his hand away. "Im one year younger than you!" Namjoon kicks the table in the middle of the room causing it to crack. "Shut up and let's have fun." Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin start cheering.

After Jungkook and me sang they all start praising me except for Yoongi. The night was fun Hoseok and Taehyung kept begging Yoongi to join them in the fun. He rolled his eyes and joined in.

They made me sing alone for the last song. Yoongi picked the song. Ugh! Why did have to be this song!

After I was done they all stared in shock and started clapping and whistling...Yoongi had fallen asleep.

~Yoongi's POV~

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