[21] Asshole

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~Dinner Time~
~Jimin's POV~

I walk into Jin's home taking off my shoes. I look around noticing Namjoon setting plates of food on the table. Weird?
Jimin: "Jin hyung is always worried that you'll drop a plate?" I stand next to him as he sets down the last plate.

Namjoon: "I know." He faintly smiles and walks upstairs.
Is he okay? Wait where's everyone else? I quickly go upstairs checking all the rooms finding no one but find Namjoon lying in his bed silently crying.

I sit on the edge of the bed.
Jimin: "Hyung? Did something happen? Where's Hoseok and Y/n and Jin?" Namjoon turns around facing me. Tears flowing down his cheeks. I quickly wipe them away and pull him into a hug.

Namjoon: "Y/n and Hoseok are at the store and J-Jin h-he's.....I don't know." Namjoon starts sobbing loudly I rub his back burying my face in his neck.

Jimin: "Shh breath hyung. Everything will be fine." I feel Namjoon shake his head.
Namjoon: "O-Our friendship is over. I d-destroyed it. Why am I so stupid? Why didn't I think of his feelings? I-I...made everything worse."

I start rocking him so he can calm down.
Jimin: "What happen exactly?"
Namjoon: "Jimin....please promise not to tell the others...I'll tell them when I'm ready." I nob.
Namjoon: "I-I'm.....gay.....I kissed Jin when you all ran off a-and he ran off he...." Namjoon chokes as he cries harder and I comfort him more.

Jimin: "I won't tell the others. Its okay Jin hyung is probably in shock when he calms down he'll understand."
Namjoon: "While he was cooking I tried talking about what happened but he started crying a-and I couldn't even comfort him....he backed away whenever I came close to him."

Jimin: "It'll be f-."
Hoseok: "WE'RE HERE!
Yoongi: "Don't yell you idiot."
Taehyung: "Yah! Yoongi hyung don't call Hope hyung idiot!"
Namjoon quickly sits up wiping his tears.

Namjoon: "Go ahead and go downstairs. I don't want any of them to see me like this and start asking questions. I'll be down in a few." I quickly hug him giving him a squeeze.

Jimin: "Call me whenever you need to talk."

I head out of the room closing the door behind me and make my way down the stairs.

~Y/n's POV~

The voice has been quiet this whole time...and I'm glad. I don't feel the darkness seeping into my heart.

Hobi starts putting away the ice cream into the fridge with the help of Tae while Yoongi and Jungkook laid down at the couch watching TV. Jimin makes his way to the kitchen.

I go upstairs towards my room but bump into Jin.
Y/n: "Oh sorry oppa I didn't s-..oppa?" I look up seeing Jin's face all puffy and red his eyes bloodshot.
Jin: "C-Cupcake." His bottom lip quivers his eyes start getting teary. I grab his hand dragging him to my room. I shut the door after he walks inside

Y/n: "What happened?" Jin looks down to the floor but then looks into my eyes and slowly leans forward my eyes widen as he gets closer to my lips. I back away hitting the door behind me.

Jin blinks rapidly and stumbles backwards falling to the floor bursting into tears. I gasp kneeling in front of him and pull him into a hug.

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