[12] Suspicious

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~Y/n's POV~

~Flashback while she almost went into shock~

I'm 15 now. Today is my birthday April 3. I stare back at myself in the mirror. I try to smile but can't. The house is quiet...too quiet. I take a deep breath slowly letting it out. My uniform is all wrinkled from falling asleep with it last night. I head downstairs not daring to look at our family photo on the wall. I walk into the kitchen opening the fridge. Empty....like you. I roll my eyes. Oh shut up stupid voice! I slam the fridge door. I wait for my father's yell from his room but hear nothing. I confusedly look around the kitchen. No car keys. No unwrapped condoms. No puke on the floor. I head towards the living room. My mom not in sight as always. Probably at work. I ruffle my hair and head upstairs to my room to change into comfortable clothes. Its Saturday morning. I finish changing slowly heading down the stairs but freeze halfway when I hear keys struggling to unlock the front door. I quickly run back to my room slamming the door close and blocking it with my dresser. I sigh and sit on the edge of my bed hugging my knees to my chest. I hear the door open and slam close. Footsteps...heavy footsteps walking up the stairs. They stop in front of my door. I hold my breath staring at the door not daring to blink fearing the door will open in any second.
Dad: "I know your in there pumpkin! I have a present for you!" I hold back my gasp wondering if he can barge in my room.
Dad: "Pumpkin...ooooh pumpkin!" He slowly bangs his fist on the door picking up speed. The sound becomes to loud for me so I cover my ears quivering in fear. Hot tears start running down my face as he keeps banging on the door yelling the same thing over and over again.

Pumpkin Pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin The voice starts yelling too.
Die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die The voice and father's voice mix together. I clench my teeth trying to block out both voices.
Pumpkin pumpkin die die pumpkin die pumpkin die pumpkin die pumpkin pumpkin die pumkdie pumdie pumkdie die die die die die die pumkin die DIE PUMPKIN DIE IE DIE DIE PUMPKIN PUMPKIN DIE PUMPDIE DIE PUMPKIN PUMPKIN DIE DIE PUMPKIN!!

The banging stops. The voice quiets down.
I uncover my ears and face the door. Father starts banging it over and over again. The voice screams louder. Making the darkness crawl inside me. Louder and louder and LOUDER AND LOUDER AND LOUDER THE VOICE AND THE BANGING GETS LOUDER BEATING MY MIND UP! My heart starts beating at the same pace. Fast not skipping a beat. My breathing becomes shallow. I search around my room pulling at my hair wanting to get rid of the voice and the banging. A migraine settles all iver my head. I feel heavy in my body. My eyes land on my father's old neck tie. I grab it tying it on the fan in the ceiling. I stand on top of the chair. I start shivering. The voice and banging turning into a beeping sound. I tie the end of the neck tie around my neck. Once it's tightly around my neck. I shove the chair away. I start choking and spinning around. I stare at fan as I spin choking and gasping for air. The voice and banging becoming distant as black spots fill my vision.
Mom?! Mom MOM!! I reach for the tie around my neck and try taking it off but only choke myself more.
Nonononono I don't want to die yet. I can't leave mom behind. Please nonononono MOM!! My arms fall limp my vision almost fully black. I try to take a breath but choke. My lungs burn from the loss of oxygen. In the distance I hear desperate banging on my door. Mom yelling out my name. Yelling for father to call an ambulance. I hear more yelling outside my door from many different voices. Before I give in to the darkness. In the far distance I hear something smash open and someone crying out my name.
I'm sorry mom I can't take it anymore sorry for leaving you behind.


~End of Flashback~

I open my eyes feeling empty staring at a white ceiling. I hear familiar voices. I open my mouth and scream.

Warm arms pull me into their chest. I close my eyes and stop screaming.

The voice said the seven boys made my heart escape the darkness.  I need to stay near those seven boys to save myself...but the darkness is slowly crawling towards my heart. This warmness is keeping it at bay for now.


I wake up. Seeing everyone fast asleep. Jin walks into the room with a pale face? "Jin?" He jumps flinching quickly facing me. He gasps putting a hand over his heart. I smile.

Jin: "You almost scared me to death." My smile vanishes. His eyes widen and he shakes his head.
Jin: "Sorry sorry." I tiredly blink. "Oppa....where did you go?" He sits down at the end of the couch grabbing a coat from the floor and covers himself.
Jin: "Restroom." I hum.

Jin: "Cupcake....why..didn't you want the nurse to call your dad?" I feel myself freeze as I tried going back to sleep. I look at Jin but he's looking at his shoes. "No reason...why?"
Jin shakes his head.
Jin: "N-Nothing just wondering."
I feel an uneasy feeling rushing into me. "Jin oppa...you didn't call him.....right?"
Jin: "Of course not!" He covers his mouth after saying that too loudly. I stare at him and notice his ears are red. "Oppa...please never call him."


"Promise you won't ever call my father oppa. Don't ever call him nor tell him where I am. Promise." Jin settles on the couch.
Jin: "I promise cupcake. I won't ever c-call him. Now go to sleep you need it."

I stare at the white ceiling. Why did he stutter? Did Jin oppa call father? No no he wouldn't after seeing how I reacted.

The voice speaks. Maybe he your so called oppa did call your father. He's lying to you. He called him. He betrayed you. I frown and shake my head. Shut up voice! I close my eyes slowly drifting to sleep.

I'm always right.

The voice sneers.

I shake my head once again. He wouldn't.

~Jin's POV~

I'm sorry Y/n.

I hope your not suspicious of me.

I'm not good at lying.

(I have decided to make their thoughts only italic and The voice italic and underlined. That's how it'll be in future chapters I'm too lazy to revise the past chapters. Their thoughts will be only italic and The voice will be italic and underlined. If I ever forget to do it like that I'm sorry. See ya in the next chapter.)

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