[7] I'm Fine...

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~Hoseok POV~

We all ran out after her but stopped as a large crowd was in the way.

Namjoon: "Does she even know her way around here!?"
Taehyung: "No she just moved here." After getting pass the crowd we look around not able to find her. I ruffle my hair in frustration.
Jin: "We shouldn't all look for her...who does she trust more?"
Yoongi: "We just met her!" We glare at Yoongi.
Yoongi: "What! It's true."

I looked around and start walking ahead.
Jimin: "Hyung! Wait for m-" I shake my head and wave my hand. "You guys go ahead to school I'll find her on my own. Taehyung tell the teacher we had an emergency so we'll be there late." I look over my shoulder to see them nodding their head except for Yoongi..Why is he glaring at me?!

Jungkook: "Hurry back when you find her!" I hear them walk away. Where could Y/n be at? Last night she ran off home...hmm I know she's faking being happy all the time. I know because I used to do the same thing and still do sometimes.

I look up and check out my surroundings. I'm at Han River near Namjoon's and Jin's house. I hear sniffles coming close ahead. Near the edge I see Y/n sitting on the ground crying. "Y/n". She doesn't look up. I slowly sit next to her about to wrap her in a hug.

"Don't..please don't." I put my hands back on my sides. I bite the inside of my cheeks hating hearing her cry. Fuck it.

I pull her into my arms hugging her tightly. "Cry don't hold yourself back..don't shut your feelings away." Her tears wet my shirt "Hobi I'm fine"  I ignore it and keep hugging her. She slowly hugs me back and grips my shirt in her fists as she cries. I stay quiet waiting for her to finish.

~Yoongi's POV~

After the rest of our group walked away I walked a behind Hoseok keeping a safe distance between us. As he stops in front of the Han River Hobi walks over to a person sitting on the ground. I quickly hide behind a tree.
Hoseok: "Y/n" I see as he tries to hug her but stops as she said something...I can't hear them.
Hoseok suddenly hugs her.

I frown and walk off feeling angry and annoyed at Hobi?! Why do I feel like this? Y/n is just like any other girl. She's my toy nothing else. She'll be my toy..but why do I feel angry whenever Bangtan is near her...especially with Hobi.

I look over my shoulder but stop myself from looking back and quickly walk away heading to school. My phone vibrates. A text from Jin.

~Text Message~

Mama Jin:

Yoongi where are you?

Vampire Yoongz:

On my way to school

Mama Jin:

Why did you leave so suddenly?
Did you with Hope? Did he find Y/n cupcake!?

Vampire Yoongz:

Y/n cupcake?

Mama Jin:

-_- Is that all you paid attention too!! DID HOPE FIND MY CUPCAKE!?

Vampire Yoongz:

Yes Hobi found your cupcake now calm the fuck down.

Mama Jin:

NO cursing!!

Vampire Yoongz:

Jin hyung you curse more than me.

Mama Jin:

Whenever you guys annoy me that's when I curse more than you!

Vampire Yoongz:

Sure sure. Well I'm almost there

Mama Jin:

Good move that pale ass

I roll my eyes as I shove my phone into my hoodie. Y/n is like any other girl...she's my future toy.

I get near school and jog over to avoid teachers. A ruler hits my nose. "OW!"
Teacher: "Well well its the famous trouble maker Min Yoongi. RAISE UP YOUR HANDS IF YOU PUT THEM DOWN YOU'LL DO 100 PUSHUPS!!"
Fuck...I should of stay spying Hobi and Y/n.

Might post the next chapter today since this was short.

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