Chapter Eight

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When the initiates came in after lunch, I stood there nervously, fidgeting a lot. Tobias gave me a reassuring smile as he waited for all of them to enter. Once they were all standing in front of us quietly, looking confused about what was happening, he spoke up.                                                                                    

“We have something we need to tell you guys…” Tobias said, glancing at me and then at them. “Don’t look so nervous. It doesn’t really affect you guys that much.”

I cleared my throat. “Four and I-“

“Are dating? Yeah, we know.” One of them said.

My head snapped up and my mouth dropped in shock. It was Kayleigh who said it. What does she mean they know?

“It’s kind of obvious,” Sage spoke up. “You guys look at each other randomly and practically have conversations without even talking.” She said sincerely.

“And you argue like an old married couple,” James muttered.

What? There’s no way they all know… I looked around at their faces. Jessica looks angry and scared, and Gavin looks embarrassed. Looks like the two of them weren’t on the band wagon like the rest of them apparently are.

“I saw you guys go into your apartment a few days ago.” Jonah said, laughing slightly.

“I saw you guys during the rising, when you stayed at Amity,” Calum added, his hands in his pockets.

“I saw you guys in Erudite,” Olivia says. “Anyone who doesn’t know who you guys are must be very oblivious. We’re very lucky to have such brave people as our instructors..”

I blinked a few times. Oh. Here we are pretending this whole week to not be dating and the majority of them already know. Why did we think they wouldn’t know? We were practically the most known faces during the insurgence, and we visited every faction in the process.

“Wow, we didn’t think you knew who we were.” Four said. “We thought it would be best to hide it.”

“Why would that be something you need to hide?” Sage asked, her eyes moving from mine to Tobias’s. “You two helped make everything the way it is today. You are the reason divergents aren’t hunted. You are the reason our genetics can be cured and why our factions are in utter peace. Many of us would be dead if it weren’t for you.”

I stared at her awestruck. “I didn’t know you all knew so much.”

Tobias scratched his neck, slowly looking at me. “I guess we are more popular than we knew,” he laughed. “This is good though. I like being open with you all. Being on the same page makes us feel more like a team.”

I nodded my head in agreement. “Just don’t start making out in from of us,” Mason commented sarcastically.

They all laughed and I blushed. “Alright, alright. Back to work.” Tobias said. “Do you want to hear the list for the fights?”

They all moaned as he pulled out a piece of paper from his back pocket. “James and Jess. Olivia and Sophia. Gavin and Sage. Jonah and Kayleigh. Mason and Liam. Calum you will have to sit out today.”

The fights went well, and there were no ruthless beatings this time around. James beat Jessica in their fight, and I tried not to enjoy it… Tried. Olivia won in her fight with Sophia. Sophia doesn’t give up, but she also doesn’t put up much of a fight. Sage beat Gavin, because he didn’t defend himself like I taught him, and she eventually caught on to his weakness. Jonah won over Kayleigh. He has strong muscles and a tall frame so it wasn’t a hard fight for him. Mason and Liam had an even fight and both called a truce at the same time, but they were fighters, and didn’t call it out until both of them had blood dripping down their faces.

All though I do not morally like watching young sixteen year olds hurt each other, I know it’s the only way they can gain experience to be able to protect themselves in the future. It also brought a smile to my face to see them improving in every area that Four and I mentioned to them. After I made sure they were all okay and not severely hurt Tobias and I headed home.

I hopped playfully on his back, giggling. “I need a piggyback ride good sir,”

“Of course my fair maiden,” He said, before running super fast down the halls. He ran over the chasm, across the narrow walkways as I screamed.

“FOUR BE CAREFUL!” I laughed, gasping for air.

“Well looks like the love birds are no longer fighting,” Christina called from down the hall.

I climbed off of his back, panting. Christina walked up to us, smiling. “Was it my expert advice?” She asked.

“Yeah, sure.” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Are you two down to coming to a party tonight at my place? I think quite a few people will show up.”

“We were just on our way home…” Tobias said, glancing at me.

“No, let’s go.” I smiled at him. “We don’t do anything fun ever. When does it start?”

“Yay!” She squealed, hugging me. “Come by in an hour. And dress nice! That means the both of you!” She ran off, probably to finish planning for her party.

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