Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up randomly in the morning. I looked over at the Christina’s alarm clock to see that it’s only six a.m. I groaned. I’ve only been asleep for three freaking hours.

“What’s the matter?” She asked groggily, rolling over.

“Nothing, I don’t know why I woke up.. Sorry.”

“It’s okay,” She mumbled.

“I’m going to go back to my apartment okay?” I whispered. “I had a lot of fun last night. I’ll see you later.”

She mumbled something along the lines of “alright” and rolled back over. I climbed out of bed sleepily and grabbed my stuff. I walked down the hall like a zombie in my shorts and t-shirt, my hair probably a mess. I can hear the pit from here, and it sounds like morning people are waking up and getting ready for work. All I can think of is getting another solid six hours of sleep. I opened the door and dropped my bag down, climbing into bed under the blankets next to Tobias. He rolled over, opening his eyes and blinking a few times.

“You’re back,” He said, pulling me over to him.

I laid my head on his chest, wrapping an arm around him, shivering at his warmth. “Yes,”

“I woke up and read your note,” He said deeply, kissing my hair. “What time is it?”


“Why are you back so early?”

“I missed you. I don’t sleep very well without you,” I yawned.

He kissed my cheek. “I missed you as well.”

I heard his light snores again after a couple moments of silence, and followed him into sleep soon after, listening to the sound of his steady heartbeat.

When I woke up again later I felt much more rested. It must be five or six hours later. Tobias’s body is wrapped around behind mine, his face burrowed in my hair. His arm is in lying across me, so I look his hand in mine and kissed it lightly. He slept a lot last night. Over twelve hours. He must’ve really been exhausted. I turned around in his arms, pulling the blanket up over us a little more. How is he still asleep? I leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss. His arm tightened around me and his eyes fluttered.

“Mmm, do that again,”

I laughed. “Good morning sleepy head.”

He looked behind him at the nightstand. “Holy crap it’s eleven. I slept over thirteen hours?”

“You never get to sleep in. It’s fine. You will be extra energetic tonight.” I told him, tracing the planes of his collarbone.

“How was zip lining? And Christina’s?”

“Zip lining was really fun, I loved it just as much as the first time. I met some Dauntless initiates who were really cool. Maybe they can be on our team tonight. And Chris’s was fun also. We stayed up so late watching a movie and talking. I had a good night.”

He smiled, stroking my cheek with his thumb. He lifted my face up to his and kissed me sweetly. My hands traveled down his toned stomach and over to his back. I couldn’t help but let out a small moan as he opened my mouth with his tongue. I pushed him back so that he was lying flat on the bed and climbed over him, my knees resting on either side of his hips and my hair falling down as a curtain around us. He held my waist firmly, continuing to kiss me.

A shiver of pleasure ran through my body and I knew I had to stop. If I don’t stop now then I won’t be able to stop at all. Is that honestly a bad thing, a voice inside my head said. Yes. Yes. I’m not ready. I pulled back from his soft eager lips, collapsing besides him. Damn it why do I always turn him on and then stop? It’s so harsh of me! I threw an arm over my face, covering my eyes so I can’t see his disappointed expression.

“Tris? What is it?”

I stayed silent, embarrassed to respond.

“God damn it. You always do this!”

I flinched as he yelled. Oh god, he’s madder than I thought. “Sorry,” I said, my voice shaking.

“For what?” He snapped.

“For stopping,” I mumbled, my arm still over my eyes like a coward.

He pried my arm off of my face. “I’m not upset because you stopped, Tris. I’m annoyed because you always act like you did something wrong after we do something like that. It makes me feel like you don’t like it and only do it for my benefit. I don’t care if you stop. Just stop acting like it’s a crime every time.”

Oh.. He wasn’t mad because I stopped. He’s annoyed because of my reaction after. “I feel like I let you down,”

He kissed my cheek and pulled me to his chest. I closed my eyes, listening to his heartbeat. “You never let me down. You are the strongest, bravest, sexiest person in my life. After you kiss me I want to look at your beautiful eyes, not see you immediately act ashamed…”

“I didn’t know you felt that way. I just feel bad I do this to you so often,” I mumbled into his shirt.

“Well now you know. And I think I can handle a little bit of kissing without expecting something,” He teased.

He pulled me back and kissed me once, and after I looked him right in the eye, blushing slightly. “You hungry beautiful?”


“Ok, let’s go eat.”

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