Chapter 1

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America's Pov:

"This isn't working."

That isn't what I expected to hear when I opened the door to my boyfriend of almost two years. He was standing there in all his handsome glory. With his dark black hair swept to the side and his bright green eyes piercing into my soul. I expected him to embrace me, kiss me, and tell me how much he loved me. Not this.


"You heard me America. This isn't working," Aspen sighed.

"I don't understand," I gasped. "What happened?"

"Nothing happened, Mer," he huffed. "I'm just not feeling this anymore."

"That's not true, Aspen. Be honest with me, I can take it," I growled, pushing past him and walking towards the tree house. He followed without a word and we didn't speak till we were up there.

"I've been drafted," he admitted. "And I don't want to spend my last couple of months here being held down. And I don't want you to feel some sort of need to be faithful to me if something were to.....happen."

"You're doing this because of the war and the stinkin rebels?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes and its logical, Mer. I have a right to
Do this without being yelled at because I'm doing it for you!"

"Screw me! Don't do this to us!" I cried, a single tear slipping down my face.

"Don't cry, mer," he whispered, wiping the tear away with his thumb.

I recoiled away from his touch.

"But.....we were going to get...married," I whispered, my voice sounding hollow and empty as I reached for the glass jar in the corner of the tree house.

It was a simple glass Mason jar filled to the brim with every dollar we made and every piece of spare change we find. We had been saving for months for the time we told our parents or could legally do it without telling our parents. It had hundreds of dollars in it now from my music gigs and his cleaning jobs in it.

I hugged the jar against my chest as I watched his eyes turn to pity.

"Keep it," he murmured.

I shook my head. "No, you'll need it wherever you're going. To help you get back on your feet when you." My voice choked. "Leave."

"I won't take it," he shook his head.

"Take it!" I yelled starting to go slightly hysterical from the realization that I was truly alone.

"I should go," he mumbled, beginning to descend the wooded ladder.

"Take it!" I screamed. I followed him with my eyes as he left, tears beginning to blur my vision. "Take it. Take it. Take. It.."

I mumbled the mantra as I cried for a good portion of the day. Until the jar slipped from my hands out of pure exhaustion and tumbled to the ground. The loud crash of the glass shattering seemed to break me from my heart broken state.

I climbed down from the treehouse and stared down at the pile of shard, dollars, and coins, when I really would of rather been anywhere else.

Suddenly the voices of my two best friends invaded my head. They were HIS sisters, but I would still hang out with them no matter how much it would hurt. Celia, Kamber, and my sister May were the only things that would help me get through this. I could bare seeing them now matter what there brother had done to me.

"America!" Celia squealed as she barged into my house.

"You're never going to believe what happened!" Kamber continued as she followed her sister into my room. 

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