Chapter 33

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I stared down confidently at my word.

"I've got you," I told her.

"Are you sure?" Kendallyn asked, calm and collected. She leaned back on her elbows and smiled. "It all comes down to this, Mommy. We're tied. You need a shade of blue that beats mine."

I was 99.999% confident with my word. But there was that 00.001% chance that I was worried about. There was only one word that could beat mine and the chances of her having it were slim, but with Kendallyn I could never be too sure.

"Ready?" She asked, preparing to show me her letters.

"As I'll ever be," I replied.


I revealed my word and cerulean stared back at us. A shade of blue that would be very hard for her to beat. Until I saw hers.


"No!" I yelled. "How do you do that! That is not fair and literally can't be possible."

"Don't be a sore loser, mom," Kendallyn said, patting my hand condescendingly.

I let out a deep breath and rolled my eyes. "I'm never gonna beat you."

"Start reading dictionaries," She said.

We both began to sweep our letter tiles together and quietly clean up. She was looking way too proud of herself as she went, a huge smile lifting her lips. It made me smile. I wish I could say I let her win, but in all reality, she is just too smart.

"Mommy I think I hear your phone ringing," Kendallyn said. I looked up. I didn't hear anything. "In your room."

Oh, My room. Because we were currently in her room. A new development that had occurred in the last week. After Daphne and Nicoletta left, and after I had finally settled into my new life living with maids, Queen Amberley had approached me about Kendallyn's new bedroom. It would be a temporary development, only for a few years until she inevitably moved into the princess suite and I into the queens.

Even though it would be temporary, Queen Amberley wanted it to be magical. So she bought her all new furniture, had the whole room painted, and bought a whole bunch of new toys. The room was in soft purples and white, and it looked like it belonged to...well a princess. Kendallyn had basically fainted when she saw it and basically didn't leave the room for a week. Needless to say, I had a little trouble sleeping the first week she was away.

Kendallyn had no trouble.

"How can you hear it?" I asked.

"You're getting old, Mom," She shrugged, heading for the door and across the hall to my room.

"I'm 24!" I called after her. She returned a moment later with my phone which was indeed ringing.

"It's daddy," She said.

I raised an eyebrow. Maxon hardly ever calls me. Having his phone number is more of a precaution than anything else. If he needs to get a hold of me, he will normally just come find me or send a maid.

She handed the phone to me and Maxons contact photo stared back at me. Okay...

I placed it to my ear. "Hello?"

"America? Are you there?"

"I'm here," I replied. "Why are you calling?"

"I'm in a meeting and I need you to do me a favor."

"Your calling me in the middle of a meeting?" I wondered. I balanced my phone between my shoulder and my ear so that I could finish helping Kendallyn clean up. I knelt down, picking up letter tiles.

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