Chapter 36

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Kendallyn's Pov
Epilogue 3 of 4

I was quiet as I got ready for the day with my maid Neena and my mother, who was sitting on my bed as Neena messed with my hair. The fear that I had from the day before was still imbedded in me. I didn't sleep much the night before and sometimes I have to stop because my hands were shaking and I needed to calm them. I had never felt this way about anything and it was unsettling.

"Your hair gets longer every time I see it, Miss," Neena commented, twisting my hair in her hands and letting it fall down my back. "And thicker too. It is too much for one person."

"I style my hair all the time," I argued.

"I simply don't know how you do it," Neena replied. She abandoned my hair and moved onto my makeup. She patted foundation into my skin as I gently tugged my hair over my shoulder, running my fingers through it.

"I can do her hair," My mom offered.

"If you would like, your majesty," Neena replied, stepping aside to make room by the vanity for my mother.

"I'd love to," She said, stepping behind me and griping my hair in her hands. It reminded me of the old days in our shared palace room when mom would brush my hair and tie it away with ribbon.

"Are you excited for today?" Neena asked.

"Yes of course," I mumbled.

"It's a big day," My mother said, soothingly running a brush through my curls. "You've worked really hard for this."

"I'm very proud of the system I've created and it works perfectly with you as you guys remove the castes."

"The system is wonderful, Kenny. You will be providing education for everyone no matter what their caste is or was. That's amazing."

"I know," I mumbled.


"But nothing," I said quickly.

"This doesn't have anything to do with what happened yesterday, does it?" She inquired.

I shook my head aggressively. "I'm fine, Mom. I think I'm just tired."

"Why do I feel like you're lying to me? You know there is no reason you should ever feel that you can't tell me the truth."

It appears that my mom and I's relationship has turned to lies. "I'm not lying to you Mom."


She brushed my curls out, spraying a bit of product into it, until they hung down my back in loose waves. She delicately pulled back the front chunks of my hair and twisted them together around my head and pinned them in place. Neena finished with my makeup, applying a sweet pink shade to my lips and applying blush to my cheeks.

"You're done," Neena told me.

"Your hair is too," My mom said.

"Thank you," I said to them both, twirling a strand of hair around my finger and admiring my reflection. Something suddenly occurred to me and I looked up at my mom in excitement. "Can I wear my tiara today?"

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