Chapter 8:

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America's Pov

"Mommy, I like the roses."

"I love roses," I agreed, ruffling Kendallyn hair. "It's my middle name."

"Mines Maxine," Kendallyn smiled, showing her missing front tooth. "Kendallyn Maxine Celeste Singer."

"Beautiful," I laughed. "These ones are Daisy's. And these are carnations."

"Their so frilly," Kendal said, wrinkling her nose.

"Hey! Those are my favorite flower!"

She shrugged. "I like roses."

I shook my head, laughing softly. "We're walking in a garden full of flowers, and you like the roses? You could see roses anywhere."

"I like the roses," Kendallyn repeated.

I laughed, shaking my head.

"I happen to enjoy roses too," a voice spoke from somewhere. I turned my head to see Maxon sitting on a bench in another secluded part of the garden. "Especially red ones."

I tried not to think anything of it. Red like the color of romance. Red like my hair.

"Good morning, Prince Maxon," I said, dipping into the curtsy I know he hates.

Kendallyn did the same but I still don't think she understands why she's doing it.

"Good morning, America. Good morning, Princess," He greeted.

I blanched. Did he know? Why is he calling her that! That's such a specific name that you do not call a little girl that you have met one time. Especially when that little girl was actually his daughter and technically a princess. I composed myself though before anyone even realized there had been a problem.

"Do you walk in the gardens a lot?" I asked, mentally noting to never walk in them again. Not because of Maxon but because of who Maxon was. Kendallyns father. The prince of Illea. I couldn't let myself get close to him. I can't let myself be friends with him. It's for my protection. His protection. And most importantly Kendallyns protection. I can't put her through having a father abandon her.

"I do. They're the prettiest place I know," he sighed.

"They are quite beautiful," I agreed.

"When do you think we can meet to finish the composition?" He asked.

I pursed my lips. "I..I already did. I thought it would be easier that way...for you. Your a prince and you have a busy schedule." In all reality, I was just trying to minimize the amount of time we spent together. No matter how much I felt like it was right, like there's a reason I got this job. And maybe that reason is Maxon. But my reason for everything is Kendallyn and one drastically out weighed the other.

"Can we meet up so I may listen to it?" He inquired.

I frowned. I couldn't think of any reason why he couldn't. Dang. "Uh sure."

"I listened to it already. It's very pretty," Kendallyn confirmed.

"I'm positive it is. I don't imagine you could compose anything that wasn't amazing," He said.

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