Chapter 4:

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"What?!"I gasp.

"A job," Celeste repeats sheepishly.

"At the palace!" A little voice exclaims from behind me.

"Kendallyn!" I yelled, frantically turning around. "Honey, I told you to go do your homework."

She ignored me. "Mommy, you have to take it."

"Sweetie, you're just mesmerized by the thought of the palace. It's more than that. You would have to move, leave you're friends, live in a palace with no other children..."

"I don't care, mommy. You're the only friend I need."

"Ames, think about it. This would be the chance of a lifetime for both you and Kendal. And me! It's a well paying, permanent job. And it offers stability."

"We shouldn't be discussing this in front of Kendal," I snapped, rubbing her shoulders.

"Please mommy..."

"I'm not sure, baby..."

"Think about it, Momma. It's what you need," Kendal whispered. "I know it is."

"You hear too much. Much too observant," I sighed, covering her ears only half teasingly.


"You can't just put me on the spot like this!" I croaked.

"We would have to move by the end of the week. They want us to play at the ball next Friday."

"It is not fair to put this on me right now..."

"Just say yes. What's stopping you? A chance of a lifetime? A stable job? There's nothing holding us here," Celeste coaxed.

"You know damn well what's at that palace that's keeping me here..." I whispered lowly to her.

"That's not stopping you! He's the prince! What are the chances of him even remembering you!"

"A little too high, Celeste."

Kendallyn had been watching this back and forth like a tennis match, her little eyes darting back and forth. "Mommy," she interrupted. "I wanna live in the palace like a princess. I wanna be a princess."

My heart broke a little. If only she knew she was.

"Okay," I whispered.


"Okay," I repeated.

Kendal squealed wrapping herself around my legs. "Oh thank you, mommy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

I smoothed down her hair in the back. "You're welcome, baby."

But somehow I just couldn't squash the feeling that this wasn't going to end how I expected.

And I'm not sure if it's for better or worse.

All I know is that I was scared.


Celeste's home had always been extravagant to me. But to see it so empty like this was...weird. The only thing that covered the smooth wood floors and painted walls were boxes. The kitchen I had used to cook many times was completely empty, everything boxed away and put in storage. We didn't need any of our stuff at the palace. All we needed were clothes and the little objects that brought comfort, like pictures and books.

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