Chapter 3:

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What I imagine her to look like!!!!!!!!!


I breathed heavily as I gave one last mighty push. The pain was immense, but it was soon made up for. As I heard the sweet lullaby of my little girl's cry, I cried. She looked so beautiful. I could see the most darling tuff of strawberry on her head. She was so tiny with little baby hands and feet. I could barely keep my eyes open, I was so tired, but yet I couldn't look away from her. She was so pretty.

They took her away momentarily to clean and warm her up and I already missed her. Suddenly a hand squeezed my own and I looked up. Oh. I had forgot Celeste was here.

"She's beautiful, Ames," She whispered softly.

I could only nod quietly in agreement as she was brought back in. The nurse smiled kindly at me before placing her gently in my arms. I stared down at her in amazement.

Her eyes were closed like most babies when they're first born and they would be grey when she opened her eyes. But I hoped that the grey darkened into chocolate brown like his. She had my a straighter nose like mine but it was very rounded at the end. I'm going to assume she gets that from him. Her mouth was tiny like mine, but her lips were fuller than mine. Like his. And I know that from experience. She had pale, pale skin like my own and now that I got a closer look......her hair wasn't strawberry red. It was strawberry blonde. Even as a baby, with little to no hair, it was beautiful. Such a brilliant shade of orangish blonde hair....

"She is so lovely," I sniffled, snuggling her closer to my chest.

"What's her name?" The doctor asked. I saw a nurse standing by her with a pen poised on my daughters birth certificate.

"Kendallyn," I murmured. "Kendallyn Maxine Celeste Singer."

"Maxine? Celeste?" Celeste asked.

"She'll never know her father," I whispered, patting her hair sweetly. "I think he deserves some sort of tribute for helping to create this miracle. And Celeste Because you are the only one who's been here for me."

"Kendallyn Maxine Celeste Singer," Celeste said in awe, staring down at her tiny form.

"Kendallyn Maxine Celeste Singer," I agreed.


5 years later

My bags slipped from my arms as soon as I entered the House. They were heavy, and my back hurt, and my feet they kinda just fell. I kicked my heels off my feet with two swift maneuvers of my legs and slowly began the difficult journey to my bed. Where I could sleep.

"Welcome back," Celeste greeted me from the living room. She was reading a magazine of which she was on the cover of. One of her modeling shoots or something. She sings a bit too. I usually play for her when she does. "How was the trip?"

"Pretty good," I replied. "It paid very well which is the only reason I took an out of state job. I prefer to play for the locals."

Celeste nodded. "You just don't like being away from Kendal."

Speaking of.....

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