Chapter 20

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"What is it?" Maxon asked.

I shut the door, turning towards them.

"We're trapped."

"What?" Came Maxon's reply

"The door is blocked by pieces of rubble from the ceiling and a giant support beam," I explained. "There is no way out."

"We're not safe here," Maxon muttered standing up. He paced the room urgently. "If something's going on out there than we're not safe in here."

"Mommy what's going on?" Kendallyn asked.

I rushed over to her, pulling her into my arms. "I don't know sweetheart. But your okay. Everything's going to be okay."

"Are you and daddy going to be okay?"

I bit my lip. "Let's not worry about that, Kenny."

"Damnit!" Maxon yelled, slamming his fist against the wall. "The royal safe room door isn't opening. The explosion must have messed with the mechanics."

"What is going on Maxon?"

"I don't know. There hasn't been rebels in Illea since we stopped the tradition of the selection. I can't think of why...Maria."

"What?" I asked. "The Spanish princess?"

"She's been living here for 6 months. Her parents told her it was unsafe in Spain and that it was best if she stayed here. She thought it was because they were arranging a marriage for her in Spain. But she's wrong. There actually was rebels in Spain and now they are here for her."

"Is she alright?"

"I...I don't know," Maxon said, concern for his friend flashing across his friend. "I'm thinking a bomb of some sort was planted in the palace. There is definitely going to be a death count but we won't know who until we know where the bomb was."

"Bomb?" Kendallyn asked, her lip quivering.

Maxon looked up, silently asking if he could take her. I nodded. He pulled her into his arms and held her like a baby. His hand cradled her head and her petite body fit nicely into his arms. Like she was meant to be there.

"Yeah Kenny. Something scary is happening," Maxon murmured to her.

"And we're trapped in here?" She asked.

"Yeah. But the guards are going to come for us. We're going to be okay," He assured her.

"I'm scared," She mumbled, beginning to cry.

"Me too," He whispered. "But it's okay to be scared. Because overcoming the fears we have helps us to become the people we're meant to be."

"I'm scared of loosing you. I know your not really my daddy, but..." Kendallyn trailed off, her voice shaking.

"I just got you in my life and I'm never letting you go," Maxon assured her.

Kendallyn cried in his arms while he rocked her back and forth gently. I was in my own silent world as I watched Maxon cradle her and gently stroke her strawberry hair. Her cries slowly quieted until she was slowly rocked into a dreamless sleep. He stood up, walking her back over to the bed.

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