Chapter 19

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Maxon and Kendallyn must of stood like that for many minutes. Neither of them seemed to mind. They had found each other. I had kept them apart for so long. But they found each other. No thanks to me. Of course I hadn't spoken to Maxon yet. Only mouthed words and  unspoken looks. He now rocked her in his arms. I think he was feeling the same thing I felt when I looked at her. Like he never wanted to let go.

"I think she's asleep," He said finally.

"I should go then. She can sleep here tonight. I understand you probably want to spend time with her..." I trailed off. "I'll sleep in Celeste's room."

"Your room is still there," He said absentmindedly.

"Oh. Alright. I'll see you in the morning I guess."

"America," He interrupted. "Step into my room."

He carried Kendallyn into his room. I hesitated before following after. He laid her down on his bed and stared down at her for a second. It's exactly what I do. He looked away quickly.

I looked away too.

"Maxon I-."

He held up a hand. "I don't wanna talk about it America."

I bit my lip. "Then...why am I here?"

He sighed, collapsing on the end of his bed. "Tell me about her."

I looked up at him in confusion.

"From before," He elaborated.

I blew air between my lips, cautiously sitting next to him and balancing myself on the edge of the bed. "What do you wanna know?"


"Well...the pregnancy was the hardest part. She's always been a ball of energy. She kicked all the time and it wore on me. I was in a new place, without my family, and living with someone I barely knew. I trusted Celeste completely, but I really didn't know her. It was a confusing time but when Kendallyn was born...everything was better."

"As a baby, I said, she's always been a ball of energy. She never slept. She was always up. She always wanted to learn and play. Even as a newborn, she was beyond curious about everything around her. And most of all, she has always been a little genius. She was talking and walking way before the normal age. She had all her firsts before I was near ready for them to happen."

"Her firsts," He mumbled. "I missed all her firsts. I missed everything."

"I'm so sorry—."

"No," He interrupted. "Not now. Keep going."

"Where were we?"


"Oh yes. Firsts. She was talking at 4 months old. Well...not talking. But she said her first word. You know what it was?"

He looked at me expectantly.


His mouth fell open and then his lips stretched into a smile.

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