Chapter 23

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"America, stop tapping your foot."

My foot froze. My finger than continued to tap anxiously against my leg.

"America." Maxon's hand wrapped around my own, calming my fidgeting. "They are not here yet."

"I know!" I said, turning to face him. "But what am I supposed to do? I'll hug May obviously. And I'll tease Gerad or something like that. But my parents...what am I supposed to say? 'hey, what's up mom? So you kicked me out of the house and left me to raise a child on my own, what's new?' Maxon, I cant do this."

"Everything will be fine. I'll be upstairs with Kendallyn and my mother, so you don't have to introduce them to either of us if you don't want to," He assured me.

I nodded along with what he was saying. That makes sense.

"As for your parents...greet them. Be polite. But you invited them here and if their not going to start making some effort than they are not worth your time."

I grabbed his arm and wrapped it around me, snuggling into his side.

"Your so reasonable," I mumbled. "I'm just irrational and erratic."

"Those happen to be two of my favorite things about you," Maxon murmured in my ear.

I smiled, looking up at him. "There you go again. Always knowing what to say."

He kissed me quickly.

"My family will be here soon," I repeated.

"Than our lovely morning is over?" Maxon asked.

"I suppose so. Thank you for meeting me for breakfast in my room."

"If I hadn't, you would have had a panic attack."

"That isn't incorrect information," I shrugged

"Shall we wake up Kendal?" Maxon asked.

"If we must," I sighed.

Maxon stood up, interrupting our early morning next to the fire. He wiped his hands off on his pants as offered me his hands. He pulled me up and I stumbled into his arms. I kissed him quickly, before heading for the doors to Kendallyn's 'room'. I crossed to the edge of her twin bed and Maxon stood next to me.

I gently shook Kendallyn and watched as her eyes fluttered open, revealing chocolate orbs with beauty that rivaled her fathers. She immediately smiled.

"Mommy! Daddy!" She reached up to hug us, her tiny arms reaching across both our shoulders.

"Good morning, sweetheart," I laughed. "Are you excited to spend the day with Daddy and Queen Amberley?"

Kenny's eyes lit up. "If daddy is my daddy does that mean Queen Amberley is my grandma?"

"Um...why don't you ask the queen," I said, looking at Maxon.

He shrugged.

There was a knock at the door.

Speaking of...

"Come in," I called. I picked Kendallyn up, resting her on my hip. I turned to Maxon. "Can you greet your mother while I change her into her day time clothes?"

I walked Kendallyn into the closet and helped her change quickly into a dress. She insisted on tying her own shoes, after I helped her put them on to the right feet, but she allowed me to pull her hair back with a ribbon. She says she wants to look her best for the queen.

"Brush your teeth," I told her. "Than come say good morning to Amberley."

I exited the closet and smiled at Queen Amberley. She wore black still but the veil was gone today.

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