Chapter 11

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I'm really proud of this chapter so I hope you all enjoy it 😁

It all started with one question. Just one thought I mistakingly spoke out loud. What do you wear to a date with a prince? I asked this in my head. I asked this out loud. In front of Celeste. And here I am. Sitting on my bed again. Watching Celeste throw my clothes across the room again. Being insulted again. All because I misspoke about my date.

I'm not sure why I said yes. I had spent the last few weeks vigorously putting up walls between Maxon and I. I had done all I could to put a barrier up around me and Kendallyn that he could not break through. And yet Kendallyn seems to like him and...I like him too. And I'm tired of blocking him out. I just want to live without having to worry about it.

"You have nothing but jeans and t-shirts in here," Celeste growled disapprovingly, her hip jutted out and her hand on her waist.

"Not true!" I objected. I gestured my foot towards the pile of dresses she has made on the floor a few days ago when preparing for the ball. "I have all these dresses."

"Been through those already. Not worth my time." She rolled her eyes and headed back in the closet. She returned with a small dress on a hanger. "Even Kendallyn has cuter dresses than you."

I crossed my arms, pouting slightly.

Kendallyn patted my arm. "It's okay mommy. I like your clothes."

I smiled at her. Celeste wandered back over to my pile of dresses and scavenged through it. "You know what? I take it back. I forgot about this number."

She once again revealed the short, flowy, red dress that I had worn the night I first met Maxon. My first instinct was to snatch it and throw it off the balcony, but then I rethought it.  Why couldn't I wear it? I don't know if he would even remember the dress, but it has some sort of emotional meaning in the relationship. So why not?

I took it from her and examined it. It was smooth and sexy. If I paired it with a shawl or cardigan, it would still be appropriate for a date with a prince. But did I want to remind him of that night? Oh god! Why am I stressing over this so much? I'll just wear the dress.

"Sure," I said smiling, as if I didn't just have a mental breakdown over whether or not to wear a dress.

"You know girl, I was very surprised that you decided to go on this date," Celeste said, inspecting the dress. "You've been real scared to get close to Prince Maxon. I thought you'd quit for sure."

I rolled my eyes. "He's not that bad. And he doesn't know."

"Aren't you worried about him finding out?" She wondered.

I frowned. "Wholeheartedly."

"Finding out what, Mommy?"

"Nothing Kendallyn," Celeste and I chorused at the same time.

She frowned.

"Okay, girl. Go take a shower so I can get you all dolled up for your little date with the prince," She laughed. She examined the dress, her eyes stopping at the very short skirt and very low neckline. She turned to me with questioning eyes. "Shawl?"

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