Chapter 12

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Maxons Pov

"I was very surprised you decided to have breakfast with me Maxon," Silvia laughed.

"Why?" I asked, taking a bite of my eggs.

"Well you never liked me as a child," Silvia explained.

"That is not true!"

"Chew before you speak!" Silvia sniped. "And it is true. You hated your etiquette lessons. And I've never made it any easier."

"So your strict and overbearing on purpose?" I teased

Silvia rolled her eyes, which was very out of character for her. "Well you turned out all right, didn't you? I've been teaching for years Maxon. I know what methods get things done. And a strict schedule and lots of homework worked for you."

"You realize I was only five right?"

"Well your eating with the wrong fork so maybe I should of started younger," Silvia quipped.

I laughed, setting my fork down and picking up the correct one. She nodded approvingly.

"I'm not a child anymore so I decided I might stop holding a grudge against my tutor because she's not going anywhere," I said. "No matter how much I wish for her to."

"I'm not only a tutor. I'm also your mothers head advisor. But it's been very nice getting back into tutoring with the new musicians little girl. She's very bright and an adorable kid. More than I can say about you at her age," Silvia remarked.

"You just have to tell me how bad of a student I was every chance you get," I sighed.

"Was Maxon?" She tisked. "You still are."

I rolled my eyes.

"Well thank you for having breakfast with me. It has been nice catching up with you," Silvia smiled, dabbing at nonexistent food around her mouth with her napkin. "But I must cut it short. Miss Singer will be here to drop Lady Kendallyn off any minute now." She looked at her watch. "But it's unlikely she will be on time."

"We're here! We're here!" America yelled barging in the room.

Silvia sighed. "I should put her in etiquette lessons."

"Don't bother. She's untrainable," I laughed fondly.

"At least she's not late," Silvia acknowledged.

"I'm sorry. I'm just in a rush. I have to work on prerecording some music for a fundraiser next week," America explained.

"That's alright. Lady Kendallyn and I have a busy day ahead of us also," Silvia said. She gestured for Kendallyn to take a seat.

"Oh and...Silvia?" America asked.

"Yes Miss Singer?" Silvia was already busy reading over some of Kendallyns work.

"Do you think you could watch Kendal for a few hours after work?"

Silvia's eyes never left the papers. "I can't. I have a meeting."

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