Chapter 35

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Kendallyn's POV
Epilogue 2 of 4

I could tell something was off with my mom. It was nothing obvious. A little bit of pitch in her voice, a slight avoidance of eye contact. My mom didn't keep things from me. She is the most honest person I know. I think it comes from all the drama that happened when I was younger with her keeping things from a lot of people. But ever since then, she never tells a lie and she never keeps secrets. That's why it was alarming that I could tell something was off with her and she is definitely keeping something from me. But I decided that I would let it slide. It has to be important if she made a choice not to tell me.

I knew something was off when she stopped by my room this morning to walk with me to our usual Monday 10' o clock meeting. Monday meetings were weekly meetings where we went over basic things going on in the provinces and stuff. Some times they get interesting when there is big news but usually they're pretty boring. I've been to a million Monday 10' o clock meetings but my mom seemed off about the one today.

I had been hanging out with Kile and Camille when she came to my door to walk with me to the meeting. This is normal, the way she was acting was not. She was asking me lots of questions but than spacing out when I would answer them. She had trouble meeting my eyes and the way she was talking just wasn't right. It was making me worry but I trust my mom.

I just hope she trusts me with whatever this is.

It was at the meeting though that other people also began to act weird.

"Good Morning, your majesties," Stravos greeted as my father pushed my chair in. I kissed dad's cheek in thanks and he took his own seat.

"Good morning, Stravos," I smiled. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine, Princess. Thanks for asking."

I nodded and picked up the file folder in front of me to look through the contents of today's meeting.


"Yes Kenny?" Mom asked.

"This file is blank," I told her, setting down the folder.

"Oh, that's nothing," She said. "There was a last minute thing we had to talk about and we had no time to put it in the file."

My forehead creased. That didn't make any sense. This is the palace. There is no 'no time'. Things happen efficiently and systematically around here. With an army of guards, maids, and servants, there isn't anything that can't be done. There is literal tunnels running through the palace! I'm sure you can get some papers to a meeting room.

I said nothing about it.

"Well than let's begin," Dad said.

"The first thing we have to cover is a riot that occurred between the southern provinces. There were some injuries but no casualties," An advisor spoke.

"Was it another fight over old caste differences?" I asked.

"Not exactly..." Stravos trailed off.

I looked around but no one would meet my eyes. "Than what?"

"It's not really import—."

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