Chapter 21

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I haven't seen Maxon in a week. And either has Kendallyn. Which is understandable under the circumstances, but she is beginning to get anxious. I think she thinks that we are leaving again and it was really hard to explain to her why he was absent. I had to sit her down and gently explain to her about how Maxon and the queen are mourning the death of their loved one. And that there is a lot of baggage that goes with that when your loved one is the King. She understands. She has always been wiser than her age and has always understood people's emotions. But I'm not sure she knows what to do without Maxon. She has grown attached.

And honestly so have I. But I know he needs time to mourn the death of his father and to sort out what it means for the country. I just don't really know where Maxon and I stand. And I think it's eating at me as much as his absence is eating at Kendal.

"I miss him Mommy," Kendallyn whispered as we passed a portrait of him on our way to drop her off at tutoring.

I wrapped an arm around her shoulder, rubbing reassuringly.

"I do too. But I told you honey..."

"I know," She interrupted.

"Kenny, you know how you miss Maxon?"

She looked up at me.

"Well your going to see him soon. But Maxon is never going to see his father again. And he needs to come to terms with that," I explained.

"I know," She sighed. "I just...

"I get it Kenny. I do," I murmured, rubbing her shoulders. "We will see him soon. I promise."

"You can't promise that," She mumbled.

I stopped her, bending down so I was looking her in the eyes. "Would I make a promise I couldn't keep? No. Your going to see him very soon."

Except I didn't really know if we would see him soon. But I made a promise to my daughter. I just really hope I can keep it.

Luckily karma was on my side.

After dropping Kendal off, I headed back to the room. And when I arrived at the hallway, Maxon was there, his hand poised to knock on the door.

"Maxon!" I called, jogging over to him.

He looked over, surprised. "I was.....I was about to knock."

I smiled at him, before reality kicked in. I had lied. We weren't together. I didn't know where we stood. His fathers dead. The king is dead.

"Maxon, I'm....I'm sorry for your loss. I never met your father. I'm sure he was a nice man. I never saw him around the palace though."

"Yeah, neither did I. He was a distant father. I only ever saw him at meetings and when he was upset about meetings. He said and did terrible things to me, Ames. I'm not going to miss that."

"Are you going to miss him?" I countered.

"" He looked away. "You know what they say. No one mourns the wicked ."

"The kingdom does," I disagreed.

"They don't know him. No one knows him besides me and my mother."

"Your mother mourns. She is heartbroken."

"I guess she didn't really know him either." He cleared his throat. "But she does now. Did you know he was cheating on my mother?"

My mouth fell open. "The king was having an affair?"

Maxon gritted his teeth. "With a female advisor. My mom caught them only minutes before the explosion. She ran out. It saved her life. I suppose I owe him that."

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