Chapter 22

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I held the phone away from my face as Mays excited voice filled my phones speakers. I heard it loud and clear. She continued to talk on and on as usual, as I sat on my bed and watched her through the video chat camera.

This has become habit, talking to May. An integral part of my life, that I welcome. I've missed her. I've missed her loud squeals and exuberant stories. Her constant energy and bubbly attitude. But I've also gotten to know someone knew. Adult May. Who may even be better than my little sister. She has grown into an amazing young adult.

We've only been talking for a less than a week, but after the first phone call, I knew I didn't want my life to be May-less anymore.

"And college boys are so much cuter than regular boys..." May was saying.

I tuned into the conversation suddenly, examining her surroundings through the video cam. She was in a dorm room. "Your in college?"

"Oh, yeah I am. I got into the art program at Carolina University," She explained.

"May!" I yelled. "That's so great. I am so proud of you. How did you even manage that?"

"There was this art project that I was doing in Ms.Muslers you remember Ms.Musler?"

"I do."

"Well I did the project and I got a A and Ms. Musler submitted it to some colleges and boom chicka pow, I'm accepted into Carolina University!"

"Thats amazing," I laughed.

"On the topic of Ms. Musler, she does not like Gerad at all."


"She assumed that he would have the Singer art genes like you and I, but let me tell you, he does not. So he slacks off in class instead of holding up the hardworking Singer name, and now she doesn't like him."

"How is Gerad?" I wondered.

"He is a total teenage boy. Stinky and moody and such a 14 year old. He is really giving mom a hard time. She thought after 5 kids, this would be easy. But she was so wrong."

"Does she...know?"

"That I'm talking to you?"


"Uh....yeah. Yeah Ames, she does. I couldn't keep it from her."

"No. No it's fine," I assured her. "She...doesn't want to talk me?"

"She does. More than anything. But she knows you don't want to talk to her. I won't make excuses for her, but she really misses you and regrets what she did. And dad...he is a wreck. He is begging mom to get a hold of you. To get your number. It's putting another rough spot in there marriage."


"Not my story to tell," May said off handedly. "I'm surprised Kenna didn't tell you though."

"I asked her not to talk about you guys," I said. "It was difficult."

"I get that. Has Kendallyn met Astra?"

"No, actually. The last time we visited, I was very much about keeping my life severed from you guys. I didn't want you guys anywhere near my daughter. I was worried Astra would talk about Kendallyn to mom on accident. I was paranoid then."

"Well they can meet when you invite the family to the palace," May said hopefully.


"I know. I Know. But I really want to see you. And mom and dad want to see you. And I really want to see the palace. And Prince Maxon! He's hot."

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