Chapter 29

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I know it's been a few weeks, but I promise that I've been working on something special that'll make up for it. You won't know what yet but it's coming soon.

I felt flutters go across my face and I scrunched my nose at the ticklish sensation. I rolled over and the tickles went away, leaving me to sleep peacefully. A few seconds later, the fluttering was back, moving across my cheek and nose.

"," I mumbled groggily, swatting at my face.

"America..." Someone whispered.

"No, I wanna sleep," I said.

The flutters returned and then I realized that, no, not flutters. Kisses. From Maxon.

I peeked one eye open and caught sandy hair tickling my face and Maxon running kisses along my skin. I closed my eyes again and smiled. He can just lay down next to me and we will take a nap. I'm not getting up though.

"America," He prodded. "You have to get up."

"Too early," I argued.

"Today is a special day," He said.

"Not Christmas. Not Anniversary. Not my birthday...." I trailed off. Not his birthday. Birthday......birthday..Birthday!

I shot up, nearly hitting Maxon in the head. "It's Kendal's birthday!"

He shushed me. "Yes it is. And you'll wake her up if you're not quiet."

"This day has to be special," I rambled, ignoring him. "It's her first birthday in the palace and little does she know, it's her first of many. She needs breakfast in bed—."

"It's on its way up," He interrupted.

"She needs a birthday cake and—."

"The chefs are making one the size of her," He assured me. He grabbed my hand.

"I just feel like her birthday won't be special," I sighed. "She doesn't have any friends her own age in the palace. And it's not like we can have a party for her. I want this day to be perfect and I'm worried it won't be."

"Kendallyn is not like every other child. She doesn't need a big thing. She just likes being loved," He said calmly. "All she wants is a cake and gifts and to spend time with her family."

I nodded. "Your right."

I leaned in and our lips barely touched—and I was about to kiss him a lot more because Kendallyn doesn't need to wake up quite yet—when there was a knock at the door. Maxon pushed away from me to go answer it and I sighed. Kendallyn's breakfast could wait. I want my kiss.

He opened the door and Lucy pushed in a cart of food.

"All of her favorites, just like you asked," Lucy said, leaving the cart by the bed. "I hope she has a very happy birthday."

"I'll tell her you wished her one," I said.

Lucy headed back out the door and ended up running into a guard who was walking the halls. She stumbled over her feet and began to fall, but the guards hand caught her own and pulled her into his body. It was Aspen.

"Oh uh Asp—Officer Ledgar," Lucy stammered, a blush tinting the tips of her ears.

"Are you alright Luc—Miss?" Aspen asked, examining her for damage.

Lucy stepped back and played with the edges of her skirt nervously. "Oh, yes. I am fine. Thank you for asking. And thank you for catching me."

Aspen smiled angelically. "Any time."

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