Chapter 14

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"What was it like as a child in the palace?" I asked.

Maxon swung our joined hands back and forth. "Very misleading."

"What do you mean?"

"I grew up as a little miracle. My mom had trouble conceiving so I was a dream come true."

I apparently have no trouble conceiving.....I thought to myself. One time and the job is done.

"I grew up knowing I was going to be the next king of Illea. I was gonna be worshipped and adored. But that's not real. I'm ignored and hardly listened to. My opinion means nothing. I'm just a stupid prince. I don't know how to rule the country."

"That sounds terrible," I said, squeezing his hand.

"My life is a luxury but it's pretty lonely. That's why I was out of the palace that night. I wanted one night where I got to make my own decisions and no one could disagree with them," Maxon explained.

"Some would say you made the wrong decision that night," I mumbled.

"It lead me to you Ames, did it not?"

I smiled. "I suppose it did."

He looked down at his watch.

I frowned. "5:00, already?"

"Sadly. And you promised Kenny that you would be back by 5. You know how she likes to dress up for dinners," He sighed.

"Walk me to my room?" I asked.

"Of course," He agreed, beginning to lead me out of the gardens and into the palace.

We walked in a comfortable silence, our hands entwined, playing a little game. His hand rubbed the calluses on my fingertips, weathered into my skin from years of violin playing.  I rubbed my hand over the polished surface of his fingernails, giggling. I had commented once on how his nails were always freshly manicured and he admitted that his parents make him get them cleaned for the cameras.

Maxon pouted. "Quit making fun of my fingernails."

"I think it's cute," I laughed. "Your hands look better than mine."

"You're just jealous."

I smiled. I do a lot of that when I'm with Maxon. "You've got me there."

"Mommy!" Kendallyn yelled, her head peaking out of the ajar room. I hadn't even realized we'd reached my floor. Kendallyn ran over to us, hugging my legs.

Celeste exited the room, purse in hand. "Au revoir! I'd stay and chat, but I'm in a rush!"

"Thank you for watching her, Celeste," I called to her retreating form.

She blew me a kiss already halfway down the hall.

"Can we get ready for dinner now, mommy?" Kendallyn asked, bouncing on her heels.

I looked sadly at Maxon. I guess this was the end of our date. He met my eyes, frowning too.

" I guess so honey..."

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