Chapter 32

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The I could hear voices in the haze of my mind, but I was still half asleep and I pushed them away.

"Miss, you have to wake up."

My dreams were slowly fading away as whoever was trying to get my attention, pried into my sleep.


"No," I mumbled, the last of sleep disappearing. I sighed deeply and blinked my eyes open.

3 pairs of eyes stared into mine.

I screamed and jumped away from them, grabbing onto my sheets and tumbling off my bed. I landed on the floor with a thump.

"Oh no, Miss, are you alright?"

I blinked three times and stared up at the ceiling. My legs were tangled up in my sheets and I was too tired to even sit up.

"Miss?" Mary was suddenly at my side of the bed and stared down at me in concern.

"Why was I awaken so suddenly and why are you in my room?" I said slowly.

Anne appeared next to Mary.

"We're you're maids," Anne said simply. "And it's our responsibility to make sure you are up in time for breakfast and other events."

I sighed and pushed myself up to a sit. I glanced at my clock.

"It's only 7! Breakfast doesn't start till 9:00," I grumbled.

Anne and Mary offered me there hands and proceeded to help me up off the floor, in which I proceeded to just collapse back on my bed.

"Today is very important," Mary said. "Princess Nicoletta's maids requested that we have you in perfect shape for breakfast because the princesses want to spend the day with you right after breakfast."

"What?" I exclaimed. I held myself up into a sitting position and looked at her with wide eyes.

Anne nodded.

"I thought they were just joking about that!"

Anne shook her head. "They are very serious. You are to be the future queen of the country they are, or hope to be, allied with. They want to know you."

"Oh god," I groaned, falling back against my pillows. "I need to wake my daughter—."

"We've already checked in with Miss Kendallyn and she has a slight cold and went back to bed. We would be happy to watch her today and nurse her back to tip top shape."

"Oh uh....ok." I glanced around the room in confusion. "Where's Lucy?"

"I'm in here!" She called from the bathroom. She was at the bathroom doorway in a moment and that's when I heard water running. "Drawing you a bath."

"I can draw my own—."

"Oh hush," Anne interrupted abruptly. "We understand perfectly well that you are unhappy with having maids. You're a grown women and you can do this all on our own. But you are to be princess and then queen. This is how things work around here. So stop being stubborn and just let us do our job. We are going to be around for a long time so learn to like us, because you are stuck with us."

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