Chapter 28

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"Mommy!" Kendallyn yelled, hoping out of her chair and running over to hug me.

I smiled brightly, kneeling down so I could really hug her. "Hi, baby. How was tutoring?"

"It was really good, Mommy. I learned a lot of different things," She babbled, continuing on to describe those things.

I looked over to Silvia who was absentmindedly cleaning off Kens desk and putting away her stuff onto the shelf. "How was she?" I asked Silvia.

"She is taking really well to the new curriculum," Silvia explained.

"New curriculum?" I asked.

She sighed. "I would like to talk to you alone. I've arranged for a maid to take Kendallyn up to her room and watch her for a little bit."

I frowned, turning around. A maid was waiting by the door patiently and Kendallyn was already talking to her. The maid was politely nodding along. Surely this wasn't in her job description.

"Oh um, I......"

What was this about? Was Kendallyn not doing well in school? Should I be worried?

"Bye mommy!" Kendallyn chirped, skipping away and forcing the nervous maid to scurry after her.

"Bye!" I called, falling upon deaf ears.

I turned back around and Silvia smiled at me. I think it was supposed to be reassuring but it did nothing to make me feel better. Was I going to have to put Kendallyn in regular school? How would that even work with her living in the palace?

"Why don't you sit," Silvia said, gesturing to the chair at Kendallyn's desk.

I slid into the seat, looking up at her. "I don't understand....she is so smart. Is there something wrong? We could put in extra work if she isn't understanding. I'll work with her—."

"America, Kendallyn is doing fine in school," Silvia cut me off. "Great even."


"Kendallyn is a great student," Silvia repeated, folding her hands in her lap.

"Than....why the new curriculum?" I asked.

She hesitated. "It's to....prepare her."

"Prepare her?" I asked. I wasn't understanding. What was this meeting even about?

"I've talked with Queen Amberley and we've switched Kendallyn on to a curriculum fairly similar to Prince Maxons when he was a child."

It all clicked into place. Oh.

"In case," She added.

"I see," I said slowly. "I don't know yet...."

"And no ones pressuring you," Silvia backtracked. She smiled brightly. It sure seems like she was pressuring. "I've talked with Queen Amberley and we understand what a big deal this is for you and your daughter. But we just wanted to start her on a different path of education.  In case."

She was saying this all in a sickeningly sweet voice that I'm sure Amberley forced her to use. If this was Silvia talking it would be more of a bark and she would practically be forcing tiaras onto my daughter and I's head. She had this bright smile on her face that was very un-Silvia and it was obvious she didn't agree with what she was saying.

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