Chapter 9

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"No!" Her voice shouted as a dress flew out of the closet and landed on the plush carpet.

I squinted at it and frowned.

"Ew!" Celeste yelled, as another dress flew out and joined the pile.

I stared at it in confusion. I thought it was cute...ish.

"Oh hell no!" She screamed, storming out of the closet with a dress in her hands, staring at it in offense. "This is the ugliest thing I've ever seen!"

"It's cute..." I mumbled, looking down.

"Cute!" She shrieked. "Yeah! Sure! It's cute. We're not looking for a first day of kindergarten cute dress. We're looking for hot. Long and elegant, with just the right amount of skin! This is a ball where you will be performing for Royals! Sexy. Not cute."

I rolled my eyes.

She retreated back in the closet and came out a second layer, holding up a short, revealing dress. "This is hot. A little too revealing for a ball but still very nice."

I snatched the offending fabric from her and threw it as far away as I could. It was the dress I wore to Celeste's party when I met Maxon. Why is the whole world determined to remind me of it every second of every day!

She strutted back into the closet and I followed her in there.

"What about this?" I said, holding up a dress that Lucy gave me.

"That is a day dress," She stressed. "You need a gown! None of these will do! You don't have anything else?"

I frowned. "I might..."

"Well where is it?"

"It's very over the top," I warned. "I only have it because it was a hand me down from my sister."

"Ooo perfect. From what I saw from when she and James visited, she has great style," Celeste murmured approvingly.

Kenna. The only family member I still talk to. The rest of my family doesn't know we're in contact and I'm hoping it stays that way. I don't want anything to do with them.

I reached behind the racks and grabbed my suitcase, completely unpacked except for two things. The dress and the letter. I unzipped it and grabbed at layers and layers of fabric until I had the dress piled in my arms.

"Oh my god. You cannot just shove a dress like this into a suitcase. This is gorgeous. And this fabric is lovely!" Celeste cooed.

"It's a little much," I disagreed.

"Oh no! It's beautiful. This slit will show just the right amount of leg while your sitting down. And the skirts will splay out beautifully on the piano bench. The bodice doesn't show much cleavage but it has a v that dips just enough. The deep green is..."

"Okay! I get it! The dress is perfect alright!"

"Well I wouldn't say perfect. It definitely needs alterations. I'm sure if I was pinned it..."

She was already up and out the door, the dress piled up in her arms, mumbling all the way about the dress.

I looked over at Kendallyn who was asleep on her bed in the other room. I had taken the furniture out of the attached sitting room and put a bed in there so that she could have her own space. She was passed out in spite of Celeste's chaos. I wandered into her room and sat on the bed next to her. Her eyes were closed peacefully and she made the smallest little sighs as she slept. When her eyes were closed I saw more of myself in her. Without the intense chocolate eyes that she got from him, I could see my nose and my facial structure. I smoothed back her hair, kissed by the sun so that it's lightened to a golden red. Almost more blonde then strawberry. I kissed her forehead and laid a blanket out over her. I smiled at her as I switched off the light. Every choice I make I make for her.

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