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So guys, I'm super bored in life at this moment and I really want to try writing a full book again rather than a one shot.

I have not wrote a full book in years! And I ended up having to discontinue it because of major writers block. Now, I am 17 years old, about to be an adult, and have never been this deep into a fandom before. Therefore I have confidence that I can dedicate myself more.

Last time I promised long chapters every time and it was way to much stress. So this time I'm saying the chapters can go from short to long, but one thing I do promise is to keep the story interesting. I am for sure one for plot twist *smirk*.

Kaisoo is my otp and the only ship who I 100% believe are real, so I think I'm going somewhere with picking them to write about.

So without further-ado PLEASE bare with me and enjoy. The only way I will continue writing is if you show me that your enjoying this! (Comments, Votes, COMMENTS)
You're in for a reverse role surprise MF's ;)

Oh, and this probably will include Smut cx.

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