Cold Water and Moonlight//20

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A/N: Tao's song is the perfect BGM for this chapter *eeeek*

Kyungsoo's POV

Later that night, all of the members, plus Jackson and Namjoon, decided to have a hangout night, especially with our new found investment. All day I've noticed that Jongin's usually happy vibe has been down and I figured I should see why, you know, being a good leader and all.

I walked over to where he was talking to Jackson and Namjoon, who seemed to be getting a long pretty well. Jackson had mentioned that he would consider joining us, I didn't think about what role he could take on yet considering he didn't seem much like a stealth member. But coming from GOT7, I guess he knew how to do everything. Either way, he wouldn't get in this easy.

"Hey Jong, can I talk to you for a sec?" I nodded towards my room.

"Yeah, of course" he said after looking back and forth a few times.

Once we reached my room, I closed the door behind me but not fully.

"You're not in trouble or anything like that" I giggled

"I'm not scared of you" he replied with a small smile.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that and move on to what I wanted to talk about" I paused to shake my head, returning the smile. "All day today you've seemed sort of down, is it because of what happened with Mark?" I said turning serious again, placing my hands in my pockets.

"You noticed?" He sighed "'s not that"

"May I ask what it is then?"

"I broke up with my boyfriend" He looked down to the ground and shrugged.

"Oh..I'm sorry..why though? You two seemed really happy?" I asked genuinely concerned but also trying to hide the excitement burning inside.

"Just being involved with all of this...I didn't want to see him get put into danger know?" He ran his hand through his dark locks.

"Did you tell him about us?" I asked. He shook his head in response.

Hesitantly, I removed my hands from my pockets and walked forward. I wrapped my arms around his small body and rubbed his back. I felt his face scrunch up a bit like he was trying to hold back from crying.

"Let me take you out somewhere, just you and me, to get your mind off of things. Maybe yeah?" I pulled away and slightly smiled.

He smiled lightly back and nodded. I lead him back out of the room to the main room.

"Me and Jongin are running somewhere for a bit, be back soon. No one kill each other while we're gone" I said to the big group. Most of the members just shrugged it off but Minseok's big smirk didn't go unnoticed.

"So Where Are we going?" Jongin asked Once we had pulled onto the road.

"Is there anything particular you want to do?" I asked.

"Mmm.." he shook his head

"Then no questions"

"Yes sir" he shook his head once more and smiled genuinely for what seemed like the first time all day.

I turned on the radio and let the music play through the comfortable silence. I sometimes would let my gaze quickly look over to capture Jongin's face reflect the dim sunlight and the wind ruffling his hair lightly.

"Quit looking at me" He said without taking his gaze off of the outside.

"I'm just looking at my side mirror" I smirked.

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