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So for all you non-smut readers I'm going to do you a favor and keep this chapter strictly smut so you won't miss anything. For everyone else, GET YO HOLY WATER READY LETS GET ITTTT.
Warnings you should know about: I didn't include that many kinks into this one because I wanted it to be strictly focused on love so you should be good.

Kyungsoo kept a stiff face the entire way home, the time seemed to fly though. Jongin's emotions were running a mile a second, he couldn't take his eyes off of Kyungsoo.

As soon as they arrived back to the house Kyungsoo came over to Jongin's side of the car and grabbed his hand, rushingly leading him into the vacant house.

Once inside, Kyungsoo picked up Jongin, placing him back in his previous spot with his legs wrapped around his waist and his arms placed around Kyungsoo's neck. Their eyes laid glued to each other as Kyungsoo carried him up the stairs into his room instead of the spare.

Kyungsoo laid him gently onto his back against the king sized bed. Until now, not a single word as been spoken since the cliff.

"Is this your actual room?" Jongin smiled.

"Mmhm" Kyungsoo nodded as he leaned down to lay kisses along Jongin's neck.

Jongin moved his head to side to give Kyungsoo more access. He took the chance to search for Jongin's sweet spot. He knew he had located it when he heard the sweet sound of a small moan come from Jongin.

Kyungsoo sucked harder on that spot, attempting to hear it louder. He bit down, leaving his mark stating that he now owned that section. He came back up to meet Jongin's eyes once more.

"You are so beyond the word gorgeous Jongin" Kyungsoo said before rushingly attaching his lips to his.

The kiss was rough but yet filled with so much more then lust. Although, lust seemed to be taking over at the moment.

As Jongin was falling deeper into the kiss he began to think if this was actually happening. Was he really in this position with the person he was willing to give his life up for just to meet? And was Kyungsoo actually a top?

The emotions that Jongin was feeling back at the cliff was quickly returning. All innocence and nervousness was slowly but surely disappearing.

Jongin ran his hand through Kyungsoo's hair as he began to kiss him more deeply. Their tongues fought with each other for dominance.

Jongin wrapped his legs tightly around Kyungsoo's waist, bringing their hips awfully close.

Kyungsoo groaned at the feeling, he was trying to hold back and go slow but it was getting way too difficult. Thankfully Jongin was beginning to think the same as he tugged a bit too rough on Kyungsoo's shirt.

"You're so fucking hot" Jongin growled.
Kyungsoo attempted not to let the tone of Jongin's voice get him too excited.

"Aish, calm down babyboy, just take it off" Kyungsoo smirked. Jongin obliged and didn't hesitate to remove the shirt from Kyungsoo's torso. He also took the chance to take off his own shirt before he let his insecurity thoughts get the best of him.

He then immediately brought Kyungsoo's body back down to his, his hands feeling on the toned muscles of his back as they started back up the make out session.

Kyungsoo decided that this was a nice time to take things up another notch. He bucked his hips against Jongin's, making sure not to do it too rough yet. The reaction that came out of him was not what he was expecting.

Jongin quickly turned him over so that he was on the bottom, before he could resist the attack. Jongin straddled Kyungsoo as he brought his torso up so that he was sitting on his lap.

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