Unknown Feelings Pt. 2//8

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After we arrived back at headquarters, I lead Jongin back down the stairs where I was greeted with my crew just sitting around looking bored out of their mind. I pointed to a spot where Jongin should take a seat and I took my spot at the front.

"Sorry guys, things took a bit longer then expected" I said while sending a slight glare towards Jongin.

I wasn't sure if adding Jongin to this was the best of ideas but it happened now, I kind of couldn't just let him out so I guess it was time to officially initiate him.

"Ok guys, full attention on me"

Everyone slowly got up if they previously laying down and landed their eyes on me, some with a little eye roll added. I shrugged it off and began.

"If you guys didn't know already, this is Jongin. Welcome him as you would any other member"

Everyone got up and surrounded the young boy. The boys eyes were slightly filled with fear, it just made me giggle.

The members shot an intimidating look to each other before breaking out into smiles and began the "Indian bap" on Jongin's back. (A/N:The Korean game you usually see on variety shows where they hit someone's back repeatedly)

After they did that they all attached him with a huge tackle.

I laughed, this was truly a side you would never expect to come from us. It doesn't come around often, only when we have a time when we don't have to be serious. Jongin would learn soon that this was like a twisted version of a family. I smiled as I watched them all get up and return to their seats.

I looked over at Jongin and saw him laughing quietly to himself. I decided to really look at him for once, like the way his smile created little indents on each side of it. Or how when he smiled it was either to the side in a sort of smirk, or a full on smile that looked like he was laughing. His hair looked super soft too, I really wanted to run my hands through it. My eyes went downwards toward his lips, they were a light shade of pink and looked super soft. Mine would probably fit pretty nicely with hi-

"Hyung, you're staring" Chan pointed out

"Oh right, anyway let me introduce you to the members. When we do ANYTHING gang related or are together as a gang you will use their given nicknames. When you see them at school or anywhere outside of the gang, you will use their real name" Jongin nodded signaling that he understood.

"This is Kris, real name Yifan. He takes part in something called instigating" I pointed to the boy with styled up hair as he nodded towards Jongin. "He usually gives off a cold vibe, but if he gives you to big of a problem then just go get his boyfriend"

"Hey he doesn't control me that much" Kris smirked, knowing damn well he does.

"Speaking of, this is Kris's boyfriend, Suho, real name Junmyeon" I pointed to the innocent looking one. "You'll be in the same section as him, Stealth, which I'll explain more later"

"That is Lu, real name Luhan. He's mainly a locksmith" The deer lookin boy looked up from his phone and smiled before returning to it. "He floats between each section so if you need help and he's near, he can help you out"

"I guess you already know Sehun, He chooses to use his real name in and out of the gang because of the section he's in, which is also Stealth, so if it means anything, you'll be with someone you know well"

Sehun looked at Jongin and said a little "surprise" in a small voice. Jongin just gave him a little side smile. I guess they'd talk about it more later.

"This is Chan, real name Chanyeol. He's tech"

"Beside him is Chen, real name Jongdae who is also Tech"

Jongin looked at Chen a little longer then the others so something in me made me get straight to his boyfriend.

"Here, beside me is Xiumin, real name Minseok. He is Chen's long time boyfriend and the asst. lead"

His mouth formed an O after he looked away from Chen, I smirked.

"Over there is Lay, real name Yixing. He supplies weapons. Need something extra, go ask him"

"Beside him is Tao, real name Zitao. He's gonna be your main protection. He's been practicing the art of martial arts since he was a young boy" I said in a baby voice, Tao just smiled, enjoying the attention.

"You already know me, your leader. I also lay out the plans and explain them. Lastly, is you Jongin"

"You'll be a part of the stealth members, they will teach you everything you need to know. Unfortunately, I already laid out the plans for our next hit so you will not take part. However, if you can show extreme improvement by D-Day, maybe you will"

"Now, Jongin, do you have any idea for a nickname? Or would you like us to come up with one?" I asked, leaning against the board behind me.

He watched his eyes look like they were searching his mind for an answer. About 30 seconds passed before he answered.

"Kai" He said simply.

"Kai, where'd you get that from?" I asked

"A lot of the nicknames have nothing to do with real names" he shrugged

"You're right, I'm just curious" I blinked a few times.

"I just like the name, it fits me"

"Ok, welcome to EXO S.M, Kai" I smirked


A/N: Guys I'm really sorry if this chapter totally sucked but I feel that I owed this chapter since it continued from the last one. I also updated this in my first day back in school. Thanks for the cooperation though! Also, have you guys read BTSOUTCAST? Boiiiii

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