Anything For You//38

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I expect y'all to comment your thoughts on this one 👀

"Jaebum? Jaebum! Listen! I know we had our past, but I need your help!" Jackson said once he heard the ringer click on, signaling that someone had answered.

"Jackson? Baby it's me, Mark. What's going on?"

"Why'd just answer Jaebum's phone?" Jackson questioned, he was still working on his trust issues.

"I heard it ringing and saw that it was you and I figured something must definitely be wrong if you're calling Jaebum's phone"

"Ok listen, I need you find Jaebum and give him the phone. You'll find out what's going on after"


"Please!" Jackson tried to focus on following the car in front of him without being noticed by it or others. He couldn't use headlights and he couldn't rev the engine much. It was a task he wasn't used to, but he was however trained.

He heard Mark sigh before reluctantly going to find his ex leader.

"Jackson? Wha-"

"Put all the beef between us-...GOT6 and EXO for a second. Something bad has happened and I need your help" He bit his lip as he awaited the reply.

"Jackson...I'm sorry for the way we treated you. You were a member just like everyone else and I apologize. However, that feud has been going on for years. I don't know if I can just put it aside to suddenly save them" Jaebum scratched he back of his neck.

"Think about it! You're the only ones who know what EXO S.M looks like! We should've been trying to work with them all this time! Not beat them!"

"What exactly is it Jackson?" He sighed.

"They got captured! I'm following them now but we have no idea who they are or what they're capable of"

Mark watched with his arms crossed as the phone call unfolded. He worried for what was going on but mostly if his boyfriend was in danger.

"You just want me to drop everything and possibly put MY gang in danger to save our enemies?"

"Let's say you owe this to me...after everything I did for you" Jackson dropped his tone of voice to sound more intimidating. He was serious.

Jaebum looked over to meet Mark's worried face. He thought about how he would feel if Youngjae was in the same situation and he had no idea. Just because he was a gang leader didn't mean he didn't have a heart. He sighed.

"Okay. Send me your location"

"Thank you Jaebum. Try to be as stealthy as possible ok? I'll stop a little ways out from wherever they do"

He hung up and waited for Jackson to send his location.

"Is he ok?" Mark immediately asked. Jaebum met his eyes and eventually nodded.

"He's fine, at least for now.." he called for everyone to exit out of their rooms.

"Cmon boys. It looks like today's the day we finally do something positive when it comes to EXO S.M"

Jaebum couldn't lie, he knew he was gonna have to hold back the urge to watch as EXO S.M finally got what was coming to
them. But if anyone was going to end them, he wanted to do it himself.


Just maybe if they don't join each other.


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