You're My Shining Star//12

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3rd Person POV

Lately Jongin's life has been going amazingly okay. He couldn't believe how much stuff has changed within the past few weeks.

His relationship with Taemin has been going strong. You could tell the two clearly had feelings for each other. What he thought he was feeling for Kyungsoo being completely forgotten least for now

Even things with the gang have been going extremely well so far. Sehun and Junmyeon have been training him on how to be the best stealth member he could be and he's also been getting to know the members a lot more.

He learned that the people in relationships within the gang were extremely cute and their significant other really did keep each other sane, specifically Kris.

He really took a liking to Zitao, aside from his fighter side, he found him to be so adorable! He was like a little brother even though that was his Hyung.

He didn't tell the gang about his relationship with Taemin being brought to the next level yet, except Sehun of course. He just wanted to make it known a little more cutely.

His parents also didn't know yet, well they didn't even know he was into guys yet. So Jongin really didn't know when the right time to tell them would be. But he knew eventually he would have to, especially to make Tae happy.

See Jongin was a very romantic person, of course being the little innocent boy that he is, he knew how to make someone he cared about extremely happy, he just didn't know much in the 18+ area.

As far as love went, Neither one of them have said I love you yet, and Jongin didn't really know if he was ready. He knew he had some serious feelings for Taemin but he was scared. He still didn't want to hurt him.

Jongin went to put his stuff from his school day into his locker before letting his head fall forward onto the cold metal. He smiled before it fell into a small frown. Things were going so well he wondered if something bad was about to happen.

He felt his locker close and his body being spun around by the shoulders. He felt his boyfriends lips against his and his smile resurfaced. As Taemin pulled away, Jongin noticed that he had one hand up against the locker behind him and the other in his pocket. Jongin looked him up and down as he noticed how good he looked in the stance he was in.

Taemin leaned forward once more as his lips took their previous spot on Jongin's. He pulled away just enough so that their lips were still centimeters apart and smiled against them.

"How's my boy?" Taemin asked

"Extremely fine" Jongin bit his lip as his eyes locked with his boyfriends.

Jongin was glad that he didn't go to a school where a lot of people were against same sex relationships. Yes, there were the select few that gave them scowls and said some harsh comments but not nearly enough to effect Jongin. And if it did, best believe that Taemin didn't let it bother him long.

"Yes, you are" Taemin kissed his forehead before taking his hand and leading him outside to meet with the rest of the guys before leaving.

Spring was approaching quickly so the cold temperatures were fading away, meaning they could go outside more.

"Oh my, here comes the honeymoon phase couple" Dongwoo said as they approached.

"Haha you ri-" Jae started to say before Wonpil cut him off

"Hush, we was there once" Wonpil looked at the couple and let out a long sigh

Jae leaned over to his squish of a boyfriend and grabbed him by the chin to move him to face him before laying a long gentle kiss on his lips. Wonpil blushed and bit his lip once he pulled away.

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