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Warning: Light Smut

Jongin's POV

My eyes awoke to the bright sunlight signaling an early morning. I went to go stretch until I realized my arms were wrapped around something...or someone.

Taemin. What?

I remembered coming back to Tae's early morning and just collapsing on the couch. He was happy to know I really did end up coming back, even though he didn't know how late I came.

We ended up just spending the day in the house playing video games and enjoying hanging out with each other after awhile. I guess we just ended up falling asleep together. Deciding to think nothing of it I figured I should wake him up since it was time to go to school once again.

I removed my arms from his figure and shook his shoulders gently.

"Taeee, get up we have school"

"Mmmpuugh" he groaned

"Haha, get up" I giggled and got up from his bed. I decided I'd borrow some of his clothes and began to throw something on.

"You're welcome for the clothes" he rolled his eyes and began to change to. We grabbed our bags and set out to walk to school.

We had first block together so when we reached the school we just went to our class and took our seats. We made it on time so we had a few minutes before the teacher would begin class.

After a few moments of just sitting there and not saying anything, Taemin spoke up.

"Jong, theirs something I wanna talk to you about"

"Yeah anything, what is it?" I said while just doodling in my notebook

"We've been best friends for years you know that but, do you ever think...maybe..."

"Ok class, how was everyone's weekend?" The teacher began class

"Never mind" he said looking down at his notebook.


I was walking to my locker before my next class, after the block ended Tae immediately walked away towards his class with not a word said. I figured it was something he just didn't want to bring up at the moment, maybe I'd go to his house after school again, then he'll talk to me about it.

As I was putting stuff into the locker I felt a presence behind me. I turned around and saw a boy with short blonde hair and pale skin.

"Um....hi?" My eyes went from side to side a few times looking to see if anyone was with him but it didn't seem their was.

"Hi, I'm Mark" he stuck out his hand.

"Jongin" I replied hesitantly.

"I know this may seem weird, but I just wanted to ask if maybe you'd wanna hang out sometime?" He put one of his hands on his head, and bit his lip. I had no idea what was going on but something seemed off.

"Ok, yeah sure. Why not?" I giggled. Figuring I was just over thinking again. I always liked making new friends.

We exchanged numbers and he walked off towards the cafe. I shrugged and followed after his path. I got my food and went to take my usual seat with my friends.

"Hey guys" I greeted. Everyone just nodded their head towards me, considering they was already eating.

"Hey Tae, you ok?" I said more in a whisper

"Yeah I'm fine" he shrugged and gave a little smile.

"Well, Can I come over again after school?" I smiled

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