The Night We Met//21

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WARNING: Light Smut

3rd Person POV

When Kai and D.O arrived back to headquarters, Namjoon had already left and the members noticed a new vibe that surrounded the two. They both walked in smiling, which didn't happen too often with D.O, since he always liked to appear serious.

"Did you guys like...fuck or something?" Kris asked. D.O smile dropped momentarily as he walked over to give Kris a flick on the forehead.

"No you nasty"

"I'm sort of taken back" Kai acted offended.

"I mean if you want to.."

"No you nasty" Kai giggled before everyone's laugh echoed after.

"So what DID you guys go do?" Chan asked as he threw a basketball in the air, catching it and repeating.

"And why is everyone so curious?" D.O questioned

"Maybe we wanted to go. You never did ask" Chan replied, catching the ball and sitting up to face D.O.

"I took Kai somewhere just with me because he was upset and I thought he would feel better if less people were around" D.O rolled his eyes.

"They...fu...cked" Kris said in between coughs.

Kai came over and grabbed Kris up from his seat before tackling him to the ground. Sounds of laughter filled the room as the two wrestled in the middle of the main room. Suho injected himself into the match, tackling Kai off of Kris.

"Don't. Touch." He said as he pinned Kai to the ground.

Kai irrupted into a fit of laughter before pushing his wrist forward, making Suho fall into Kris' lap behind him.

"All yours" He giggled.

Jackson watched as the entire scene unfolded in front of him. He began to think of his relationship, if he even still had one. He also thought about the friendships he had invested into GOT7, or at least he thought, and if he was ready to say goodbye to it all.


Jackson hit his locker with his fist in frustration. He had been on the edge recently after moving away from his home town in China. He had come here to finish out his last few years of school at a high performance school and he was struggling hard. He had just failed an important test, he just didn't want to upset his mother. He put his forehead against his arm that was laying on the cold metal and groaned.

"Hey, look over there. Dude looks upset" Mark told his best friend Jinyoung, nodding towards the distraught looking male.

"Mark don't. He doesn't look like he needs even more put on his plate" Jinyoung said.

"He's cute though, maybe something can happen here" Mark said before walking off towards the guy.

"Hey, are you ok?" Mark touched the youngers shoulder, causing him to jump a bit.

"Oh...yeah I'm fine. Just failed a test is all" Jackson said, throwing the paper in his locker.

"Mmm..bigger problems in this world" Mark shrugged. "Are you new here?" Mark leaned against the lockers, biting his lip as he awaited his reply.

"Yeah sort of, I transferred a few months ago" Jackson's eyes tried to avoid eye contact with the elder, fearing he wouldn't be able to look away.

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