Hurts So Good//26

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I think it's time...

3rd Person POV

"So where have you been man? I feel like you've been distant lately" Jae said.

"We're hanging out now aren't we?" Jongin replied. His eyes locked on his bedroom ceiling.

"And yet, you're still coming off distant" Jae got up and laid beside him.

Sehun let his eyes drift between Jongin and the window. Still feeling a bit of guilt.

Dongwoo looked towards Wonpil.

"Hey, something seems off about him right? Do you think it's something with Taemin?" Dongwoo whispered.

"I don't think so. I think this is something else" Wonpil replied.

"Yeah but their has to be a reason why Tae isn't here"

"They are still exes idiot. They need time"

"Okay Dr. Phil" Dongwoo Shrugged.

"Let's do something" Jae sat up from his previous position and began bouncing on the bed.

"Like what" Jongin groaned.

"Take us for a ride in your new car! Which we have no idea how you afforded..." Wonpil exclaimed.

"And go where?" Jongin asked. A smile still not surfacing.

"It doesn't have to be anywhere particular. We can just drive. Let's go" Jae grabbed his wrist and pulled the younger up.

"Ok" Jongin reluctantly agreed. Eager to get his mind off of things.

He thought to himself as he grabbed his keys. What was going on before Kyungsoo got that stupid phone call? Why wasn't it escaping his mind? Why is the thought of his leaders lips so close to his the only thing he could think about?

He brought his hand up to run across his lips and smiled at the lingering feeling. Even though their lips never actually touched. Was he really going to kiss him?

"What the hell are you thinking about? Let's go" Dongwoo hit the back of his head.

"Ouch" Jongin groaned.

When they reached the car, his small group of friends all made an attempt at fitting in the small car. Luckily they were successful, more room then they expected considering Taemin was absent. Sehun sat at the front beside Jongin.

Jongin revd the engine, the sound snapping him out of his thoughts. As he pulled out he looked back at the shocked looks on his friends face.

"Ok first this and nobody gonna bring up the piercings?" Jae raised an eyebrow. Sehun giggled.

"What's happening to you?" Wonpil asked.

"I'm breaking out of my shell" Jongin smirked before hitting the accelerator, letting the car drift onto the freeway. The way Kyungsoo does with him. Except Jongin may have gone a little faster.


Kyungsoo looked out the window of his room at the house and watched as the skies began to darken. Something was consuming him, and he knew what that something was.

It consumed him to the point where he almost kissed him. He was so close. Then his job got in his way once more. But maybe it was a good thing? He thought to himself.

No, stop. You love him. No, you can't. Love is a strong word. Kyungsoo doesn't fall in love. Wait we've been here before. It's possible that D.O could fall in love.. No..No..No

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