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Kyungsoo's POV

"Do I know you?"

I turned around to see who had the audacity to touch me and my eyes were met with the guy who Sehun must of been talking about, the guy I let go.

"Well we do go to the same school" I scowled and yanked my arm away.

"Yeah but I mean like, have we talked before?" His face scrunched up in confusion. "Sehun, you know him?"

"Haha well I-"

"Sehun was just asking me a question. You don't know me like that kid"

With that I turned around and walked to my next class which I was already late too.

"Ah Kyungsoo, how nice of you to join us."

"Likewise" I gave a fake smile and took my seat.

My mind started to finally think about what just happened. Did the kid recognize my voice? Did he somehow see me? I doubt it. I was for sure out of sight.

I did know one thing for sure.

The kid was cute.


Jongin's POV

"He's only like a year older then me, why did he call me kid?" I asked Sehun.

We decided it was already to late to go to our last class so we decided to just leave early.

"It's just something he does. A Kyungsoo thing"

Sehun had told him that Kyungsoo had showed him around when he first arrived here. They were sort of friends but not real close.

"So that's not D.O" I sighed.

"Nope" Sehun shrugged his shoulders.


Sehun and I walked to the cafe I was at a few nights ago and took a seat.

"Hey guys, what can I get y'all today?" One of Heechul's employees, Donghae asked.

"Just a cappuccino please" I replied

"Bubble tea"

"Okay~ I'll have that right out" he flashed a glistening white smile and walked off.

"Who the hell is that? He looks like a walking buffet" Sehun gawked.

"That would be Lee Donghae. And trust me I know. But cmon, he's probably be straight"

"I can fix tha-"

Donghae came and sat our drinks down in front of us.

"Anything else?" He asked

"Nope, that'll be all for now. Thanks Donghae"

"Yeah i'd like a side order of that a-"

I coughed quite loudly to cut off Sehun.

"You ok Jongie?" He pat my back.

"Yep fine"

"Ok, just let me know if you need anything else" He winked.

"Why the fuck did you cut me off?"

"That's not how you approach someone sweet Sehunniee" I grabbed his cheek.

"Don't touch me i'm Sehun" He made a face and slapped my hand away.

"Hey text the other guys and tell them to meet us here." I took a sip of my capp.

"Why am I the one doing this again?" He took out his phone.

"Cause you love me" I did a quick aegyo gesture and smiled. (A/N: imagine him in the opening of Andante but without the nose bleed)

Sehun fake laughed but didn't deny it. (A/N: you know the meme of him on showtime cmon now)


When the other guys arrived, we dragged a few seats up to our table. Donghae eventually came back over and they ordered something as well.

"Who is that fine human" Taemin went to take a drink, missing the straw a few times.

"Oh my" I slapped my forehead.

"You're not wr-"

"Don't even think about it" Wonpil cut Jae off.

"Love you baby" He kissed Wonpils cheek. Wonpil just rolled his eyes.

"So why are we here again?" Dongwoo asked.

"What, we can't hang out?" I shrugged

"Yes but I feel like theirs a reason"

"Excluding Sehun, do any of y'all know someone named Kyungsoo?"

"The short dude with the tats?" Dongwoo replied.

"Yeah, him"

"He's like the schools badass for whatever reason. I've never seen him really do anything. He's a real mysterious dude though. Nobody really knows anything about his life outside of school" he replied.

"Why the sudden interest?" Tae asked.

"I thought he was the guy I came in contact with that night." I took another sip "but his name isn't the same"

"Maybe He has a different name outside of school?" Wonpil asked

Sehun choked on his bubble tea.

"If you guys don't stop choking I can give you a reason to" Donghae walked by

It was my turn to choke.

"Anyway, theirs something about him that I'm attracted to. And I've thought about that too."

"You likeeee him?" Taemin asked, looking shocked.

"I don't know. But I think I know what I have to do first"

"What would that be?"

"I have to go back to that neighborhood"

Sehun choked again.


A/N: GUESS WHOS BACK back back BACK AGAIN gain gain.
Idek. This chapter was for y'all to get a better feel of Sehun's and Jongin's friendship. I free write chapters most of the time so if it feels like it's just rambling on it's probably because it is. Next chapter might be up tonight. I already have the idea of what's gonna go down. Let me know how you guys are enjoying it so far!

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