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Bonus chapter for all you kinky hoes like me.
🚨KINKS, ROUGHNESS, AND NASTY SHIT. You know, 18+, read at own risk🚨

"What did I tell you about bringing out my soft side in front of the members huh?" Kyungsoo said before roughly dropping Jongin onto the bed.

"It satisfies me so much knowing I can bring out that side of you whenever I want to though" Jongin smirked.

Kyungsoo took his jacket off followed by his shirt. Jongin took the opportunity to do the same.

"You're going to learn babyboy.." Kyungsoo leaned down to kiss roughly at Jongin's sweet spot on his neck. He knew exactly where it was. He reached down to pull out a box at the same time he was doing this.

"L-...learn what?" Jongin mumbled.

"You're going to learn to not to disobey me baby" Kyungsoo said once he pulled away and pulled out the handcuffs.

Jongin bit his lip at the sight.

"We're not gonna need these just yet actually.." Kyungsoo said before sitting them on the bed.

"Hmm?" Jongin asked innocently.

Kyungsoo motioned with his finger for Jongin to sit up, in which Jongin listened. Kyungsoo sat up on his knees and began undoing his belt and taking off his pants, followed by his boxers.

Kyungsoo then took Jongin's hand and lead it to grip his now hardening dick. Jongin's eyes stayed locked with Kyungsoo's in pure innocence yet dripping with lust.

Kyungsoo then ran his thumb across Jongin's bottom lip, signaling him to open up.

Jongin once again listened as Kyungsoo guided himself into his mouth. This was the first time that Kyungsoo had let him do this.

Jongin took what he explored in watching what Kyungsoo would do to him and aimed to do the same.

Jongin swirled his tongue around the tip before taking as much as in as he could. He kept eye contact the whole time.

This made Kyungsoo weak, Jongin learned. Kyungsoo ran his hands through Jongin's soft hair, gripping it at moments. He growled at the feeling of Jongin wrapped around his length. It was a wonder how he went so long without it.

"You're so good for me babyboy" Kyungsoo praised him, causing Jongin to hollow his cheeks giving him more access.

"Too bad this is a punishment" Kyungsoo smirked, pushing farther into Jongin's mouth, hitting his throat. Jongin gagged But this only caused satisfaction for Kyungsoo. He knew his limits though.

He pulled out once he felt closer to his edge not nearly wanting to finish yet. He motioned for Jongin to lay back before grabbing the handcuffs.

"Arms up" Jongin did as he was told.

Kyungsoo placed the cuffs around his wrist and laid them above his head.

"Are police handcuffs?" Jongin asked once he felt the realness of the tight metal.

"Don't ask how I got them" Kyungsoo replied, reaching for the lube.

He easily was able to remove Jongin's pants and boxers.

"How do you always manage to look so gorgeously intimidating at everything you do" Jongin cooed.

Kyungsoo just smirked as he coated his fingers with the lube. Even if it was a punishing time, he would never consider not properly prepping Jongin.

He inserted his fingers watching as Jongin moaned in pleasure. Kyungsoo tried to hold back, he had to make this last a little longer then usual.

It didn't take as long to prep Jongin as he was used to do doing this at this point, but Kyungsoo always had to make sure.

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