Forever My Everything//39

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The end is here.

Kyungsoo leaned over to kiss Jongin one the forehead. He looked so lifeless.

Right now it was up to machines and Jongin himself to stay alive. Kyungsoo could only sit and hope for the best. Jackson was in the room next to his with Mark probably doing the same.

Kyungsoo couldn't help but blame himself for everything. He should've never dragged anyone into this kind of life.

"Hey.." he felt a hand touch his shoulder "you know he's not going to give up that easily" He heard the voice of his best friend, Minseok, say.

"I-...I'm scared Min" He had his face in his hands.

"We all are. Everyone's here, they're in the waiting room"

"Is GOT6 here? Please don't let them start anything, now now"

"Yes but they're here for the same reason we all are, you don't need to worry about that" Minseok walked over to lay his hand on Jongin's.

"What about the guys who did this?" Kyungsoo asked quietly.

"Yixing and Sehun shut them up pretty well for now"

"I don't wanna do this anymore Min hyung...I don't" Kyungsoo shook his head looking at Jongin once more, on the verge of crying.

"Oh shit you never call me's up to you soo. I'll go let everyone know what's going on"

"Don't leave us Kai...not yet" Minseok said more quietly before leaving.

"I love you Jong, I mean it, I'm in love with you" Kyungsoo held his hand tightly.


"'re awake" Jackson smiled and wiped some hair out of his boyfriends face.

" body hurts so bad" He attempted to move but Jackson quickly stopped him.

"Hey, no no. You're gonna need to stay still for awhile" He gently laid him back down.

"It's amazing, I really can't explain how he seems to be doing okay" The doctor said looking over his files.

"I don't care..whatever it was I'm thankful" Jackson couldn't stop smiling.

"I'll give you some time alone, I'll come by in a while to make sure everything is ok. You should be able to go home by morning" The doctor said before leaving the room.

"You don't have to be here you know? I'm so sorry I put you through all this" Mark said.

"Listen, Mark, I want you to know you did it. You proved yourself so much baby. You risked your life for me. I'm forever thankful Mark. No matter what happens"

"I'll do anything for you. Always remember that. Come here baby" Mark smiled as Jackson leaned down and lightly kissed him.


It's been a week.

Mark and Jackson were discharged a few days ago but Kyungsoo was still stuck here.


The members have came and went, even Jongin's friends stopped by at one point, but they couldn't stand to see him in that state. Still, it seems that nothing has changed. Kyungsoo couldn't help but think that all of his karma was finally going to get him. He wished he could take back everything.

"We promise we will make his last moments as peaceful as we can if you choose to take him off of the machines Kyungsoo"

"Just, give him until the end of tonight ok?" Kyungsoo built up his strength to answer.

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