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Jongin glided his finger over the screen a few times as he debated how to send the text. He sat on his bed at his own house for once, as he thought.

"The worst he could say is no" He said out loud. Even thought he was by himself.

"It's been awhile...I know. But if you're up for it, I'd really like to hang out" He types out.


It only took a few seconds for his phone to vibrate.

"Hey! I think that'd be great, I wanna tell you about something anyway:)" Taemin replied.

"Come over whenever?" Jongin replies.

"Sure. On my way"

Jongin smiled shyly at the thought of finally rekindling his once so strong friendship. He wondered what he could have to talk to him about.

He sent a text to Kyungsoo letting him know that Taemin had agreed to hang out and he soon replied with a text telling him to behave. He giggled.

Who in the hell would cheat on the leader of a gang?

"Honey! Taemin is at the door!" His mom echoed from downstairs.

"Send him up!" He replied.

He heard the footsteps slowly coming up the stairs. He tried to prepare himself for anything, he didn't know how awkward this would be, or if it would be like old times.

Soon the boy appeared in his bedroom doorway with a small smile on his face and his eyes on the ground.

"Hey..sorry I've been sort of distant lately" He said quietly.

"It's understandable of course, come in, you know this is basically your room too"

Taemin walked farther into the room, taking a seat on the bed across from Jongin.

" are yo-"

"Look, can we skip the sap talk? I just want you to be happy ok? I see you smile, it makes me smile. I just want us to be best friends again. I think I can handle that" He fell back on the bed onto his back as he ranted. He ended with a small laugh though.

"I think that sounds perfect" Jongin smiled as he kicked Taemin off the bed. The two erupted in laughter.

"So what did you want to tell me?" Jongin asked after they settled back on the bed.

"Oh yeah! Not too long after I saw you and Kyungsoo, this cute boy came out of nowhere and introduced himself to me. He brought a new sense of light to my life. We've been good friends since" He looked at the ceiling with a smile on his face.

"As long as I don't get replaced"

"Yeah...replaced" His smile dropped a bit.

"Oh sorry...I didn't mean to bring that u-"

"No, it's ok. It's nothing. Anyway, his name is Jin-ki, but people call him Onew"

"Oooh...he sounds adorable" Jongin acted as if he had no idea about the boy.

"He is" he smiled again.

"So...wanna play some video games?"

"Jongin...remember what happened LAST time we tried to play video games?" He laughed.

"You started it!" Jongin laughed.

The two spent the rest of the evening going back to their old ways. Taemin was finally able to move on, but still see him as his best friend.

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